Notes and code for administering the UMN SPA Computing Cluster
Jupyter Notebook
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example condor submit file
#24 opened by tomeichlersmith - 0
leftover module config
#22 opened by tomeichlersmith - 5
Audit local
#16 opened by tomeichlersmith - 5
CVMFS Instability
#20 opened by tomeichlersmith - 0
Ansible Script List
#5 opened by tomeichlersmith - 2
limited sudo access to cluster admins
#18 opened by tomeichlersmith - 1
office workstation towers
#19 opened by tomeichlersmith - 11
Evacuate HDFS
#11 opened by tomeichlersmith - 11
Figure out Condor Config
#10 opened by tomeichlersmith - 2
write a user manual
#17 opened by tomeichlersmith - 1
#12 opened by tomeichlersmith - 4
- 1
Look into hosting JupyterHub
#13 opened by tomeichlersmith - 2
- 0
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Open Science Grid
#4 opened by tomeichlersmith - 1
survey disks participating in hadoop
#8 opened by tomeichlersmith - 1
xrootd install necessities
#7 opened by tomeichlersmith - 3
dd instead of cp
#6 opened by tomeichlersmith - 3
Benchmark HDFS and ZFS
#1 opened by tomeichlersmith - 0
Survey of running nodes
#2 opened by tomeichlersmith