
An universal fan control daemon for any single board computer

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


An universal fan control daemon for any single board computer.

gpio-fan-controller drives a defined GPIO with a PWM signal, that can be used to drive an external fan (through an npn transistor, for example). It works with any single board computer, through libgpiod.

A simple algorithm monitors CPU temperature and drives a PWM output, so it tries to reach a target temperature (45 deg C by default). In practice, this can be seen as a turn-on threshold temperature.


First, install the prerequisites:

  • g++
  • make
  • git
  • libgpiod_dev, gpiod

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/tomek-szczesny/gpio-fan-controller.git

Inspect the first 30 lines of gpio-fan-controller.cpp. Here, you must configure which GPIO you wish to use.

You can use sudo gpioinfo to find the correct gpiochip and line numbers.


make build
sudo make install

From now on, the daemon should be installed and working.