Trivia Game Coding Challenge

Name: Tomer Doar Date: 11/10/2020

This project is a Trivia game that has 10 true or false questions.

Starting the game

  • The user need to select the difficulty of the game:

    • Easy
    • Hard
    • Harder
  • The different between the difficulty is that when the user choose difficulty hard or harder there is a timer for each question.

  • The user need to select true or false as a result for each question.

  • If there is timer and the time ends, the answer will mark as wrong.

  • There is an option to exit the game any time by clicking on the Restart button.

  • The game end after answering all te 10 questions.

  • At the end of the game the user navigate to the result page the inform the user with all the question that got answer right or wrong.

Setup documentation:

  • Run the application by typing: ‘npm installfollowed bynpm run start`
  • Run the test by typing: ’npm run test’

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