🌟 [My TouchBar My rules]. The TouchBar Customisation App for your MacBook Pro

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

My touchbar. My rules. GitHub release license minimal system requirements travis

The TouchBar Customization App for your MacBook Pro

My idea is to create a platform for creating plugins to customize the TouchBar. I very much like BTT and having a full custom TouchBar (my BTT preset), and I wanted to create it. It's my first Swift project for MacOS :)

Share your presets here

Mackbook with touchbar

Discord Telegram

PayPal donate button Buy Me A Coffee My TouchBar My Rules (MTMR)


On first install you need to allow access for MTMR in Accessibility otherwise buttons like Esc, Volume, Brightness and other system keys won't work

screenshot 2019-02-24 at 23 19 20

🍏→ System Preferences → Security and Privacy → tab Privacy → Accessibility → MTMR


MTMR presets

Presets for touchbar


MTMR preferences are stored under ~/Library/Application\ Support/MTMR/items.json.

The pre-installed configuration contains less or more than you'll probably want, try to configure:

Built-in button types:


  • escape
  • exitTouchbar
  • brightnessUp
  • brightnessDown
  • illuminationUp (keyboard illumination)
  • illuminationDown (keyboard illumination)
  • volumeDown
  • volumeUp
  • mute

Native Plugins

  • timeButton
  • battery
  • currency
  • weather
  • yandexWeather
  • inputsource
  • music (tap for pause, longTap for next)
  • dock (half-long click to open app, full-long click to kill app)
  • nightShift
  • dnd (Don't disturb)
  • darkMode
  • pomodoro
  • network
  • upnext (Calendar events)

Media Keys

  • previous
  • play
  • next

AppleScript plugins

  • sleep
  • displaySleep

Custom buttons

  • staticButton
  • appleScriptTitledButton
  • shellScriptTitledButton


By default you can enable basic gestures from application menu (status bar -> MTMR icon -> Volume/Brightness gestures):

  • two finger slide: change you Volume
  • three finger slide: change you Brightness

Custom gestures

You can add custom actions for two/three/four finger swipes. To do it, you need to use swipe type:

    "type": "swipe",
    "fingers": 2,            // number of fingers required (2,3 or 4)
    "direction": "right",    // direction of swipe (right/left)
    "minOffset": 10,          // optional: minimal required offset for gesture to emit event
    "sourceApple": {         // optional: apple script to run
        "inline": "beep"
    "sourceBash": {          // optional: bash script to run
        "inline": "touch /Users/lobster/test"

You may create as many swipe objects in the preset as you want.

Built-in slider types:

  • brightness
  • volume

You can also make custom buttons using these types


 "type": "staticButton",
 "title": "esc",


    "type": "appleScriptTitledButton",
    "refreshInterval": 60, //optional
    "source": {
      "filePath": "~/Library/Application Support/MTMR/iTunes.nowPlaying.scpt",
      // or
      "inline": "tell application \"Finder\"\rif not (exists window 1) then\rmake new Finder window\rset target of front window to path to home folder as string\rend if\ractivate\rend tell",
      // or
      "base64": "StringInbase64"

Note: appleScriptTitledButton can change its icon. To do it, you need to do the following things:

  1. Declare dictionary of icons in alternativeImages field
  2. Make you script return array of two values - {"TITLE", "IMAGE_LABEL"}
  3. Make sure that your IMAGE_LABEL is declared in alternativeImages field


    "type": "appleScriptTitledButton",
    "source": {
      "inline": "if (random number from 1 to 2) = 1 then\n\tset val to {\"title\", \"play\"}\nelse\n\tset val to {\"title\", \"pause\"}\nend if\nreturn val"
    "refreshInterval": 1,
    "image": {
      "base64": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgA..."
    "alternativeImages": {
      "play": {
        "base64": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAAA..."
      "pause": {
        "base64": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAIAA..."


Note: script may return also colors using escape sequences (read more here https://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting) Only "16 Colors" mode supported atm. If background color returned, button will pick it up as own background color.

Example of "CPU load" button which also changes color based on load value.

  "type": "shellScriptTitledButton",
  "width": 80,
  "refreshInterval": 2,
  "source": {
    "inline": "top -l 2 -n 0 -F | egrep -o ' \\d*\\.\\d+% idle' | tail -1 | awk -F% '{p = 100 - $1; if (p > 30) c = \"\\033[33m\"; if (p > 70) c = \"\\033[30;43m\"; printf \"%s%4.1f%%\\n\", c, p}'"
  "actions": [
      "trigger": "singleTap",
      "action": "appleScript",
      "actionAppleScript": {
        "inline": "activate application \"Activity Monitor\"\rtell application \"System Events\"\r\ttell process \"Activity Monitor\"\r\t\ttell radio button \"CPU\" of radio group 1 of group 2 of toolbar 1 of window 1 to perform action \"AXPress\"\r\tend tell\rend tell"
  "align": "right",
  "image": {
    // Or you can specify a filePath here.
    // Images will be resized to 24x24.
    // "filePath": "~/myproject/myimage.jpg" // or "/fixed/path/to/the.png"
  "bordered": false


  "type": "group",
  "align": "center",
  "bordered": true,
  "title": "stats",
  "items": [
    { "type": "play" },
    { "type": "mute" },

To close a group, use the button:

  "type": "close",
  "width": 64

Native plugins


Attention! Works not all: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_time_zone_abbreviations

formatTemplate examples: https://www.datetimeformatter.com/how-to-format-date-time-in-swift/

locale examples: https://gist.github.com/jacobbubu/1836273

  "type": "timeButton",
  "formatTemplate": "dd HH:mm",
  "locale": "en_GB",
  "timeZone": "UTC"


Provider: https://openweathermap.org
Note: you need to register on https://openweathermap.org to get your API key
Note: you may need to wait for near 20 mins until your API key will be activated by Openweathermap
Note: you need to allow using "Location Services" in your Mac OS "Security & Privacy" settings for MTMR

  "type": "weather",
  "refreshInterval": 600, // in seconds
  "units": "metric", // or imperial
  "icon_type": "text", // or images
  "api_key": "" // you can get the key on openweather

yandexWeather (experimental)

Provider: https://yandex.ru/pogoda. One click to open up weather forecast in your browser.
Note: you need to allow using "Location Services" in your Mac OS "Security & Privacy" settings for MTMR

  "type": "yandexWeather",
  "refreshInterval": 600 // in seconds


Provider: https://coinbase.com

  "type": "currency",
  "refreshInterval": 600, // in seconds
  "align": "right",
  "from": "BTC",
  "to": "USD",
  "full": true // £‣1.29$


  "type": "music",
  "align": "center",
  "width": 80, // Optional
  "bordered": false, // Optional
  "refreshInterval": 2, // in seconds. Optional. Default 5 seconds
  "disableMarquee": true // to disable marquee effect. Optional. Default false


Pomodoro plugin. One click to start the work timer, longclick to start the rest timer. Click in progress for reset.

  "type": "pomodoro",
  "workTime": 1200, // set time work in seconds. Default 1500 (25 min)
  "restTime": 600 // set time rest in seconds. Default 300 (5 min)


Network plugin. The plugin to show usage a network

  "type": "network",
  "flip": true


Dock plugin

  "type": "dock",
  "filter": "(^Xcode$)|(Safari)|(.*player)",
  "autoResize": true


Calendar next event plugin Displays upcoming events from macOS Calendar. Does not display current event.

  "type": "upnext",
  "from": 0, // Lower bound of search range for next event in hours.        Default 0 (current time)(can be negative to view events in the past)
  "to": 12, // Upper bounds of search range for next event in hours.        Default 12 (12 hours in the future)
  "maxToShow": 3, // Limits the maximum number of events displayed.          Default 3 (the first 3 upcoming events)
  "autoResize": false // If true, widget will expand to display all events. Default false (scrollable view within "width")



"actions": [
    "trigger": "singleTap",
    "action": "hidKey",
    "keycode": 53


  • singleTap
  • doubleTap
  • tripleTap
  • longTap


 "action": "hidKey",
 "keycode": 53,
  • keyPress
 "action": "keyPress",
 "keycode": 1,
  • appleScript
 "action": "appleScript",
 "actionAppleScript": {
      "inline": "tell application \"Finder\"\rif not (exists window 1) then\rmake new Finder window\rset target of front window to path to home folder as string\rend if\ractivate\rend tell",
    // "filePath" or "base64" will work as well
  • shellScript
 "action": "shellScript",
 "executablePath": "/usr/bin/pmset",
 "shellArguments": ["sleepnow"], // optional
  • openUrl
 "action": "openUrl",
 "url": "https://google.com",

Additional parameters:

  • width restrict how much room a particular button will take
  "width": 34
  • align can stick the item to the side. default is center
  "align": "left" // "left", "right" or "center"
  • bordered you can do button without border
  "bordered": "false" // "true" or "false"
  • background allow to specify you button background color
  "background": "#FF0000",

by using background with color "#000000" and bordered == false you can create button without gray background but with background when the button is pressed

  • title specify button title
  "title": "hello"
  • image specify button icon
  "image": {
    //Can be either of those
    "filePath": "~/img.png"


If you can't open preferences:

  • Opening another program which can't edit text
    1. Open Terminal.app
    2. Put open -a TextEdit ~/Library/Application\ Support/MTMR/items.json command and press Enter

Buttons or gestures doesn't work:

  • "After the last update my mtmr is not working anymore!"
  • "Buttons sometimes do not trigger action"
  • "ESC don't work"
  • "Gestures don't work"

Re-tick or check a tick for access 🍏→ System Preferences → Security and Privacy → tab Privacy → Accessibility → MTMR


Built by @Toxblh and @ReDetection.
