
A less-detectable, easy to use MapleStory bot using fancy computer vision and clever coding. Train while you're AFK, farm mesos, boost main/secondary characters and more.

Primary LanguagePython


A less-detectable, easy to use MapleStory bot using fancy computer vision and clever coding. Train while you're AFK, farm mesos, boost main/secondary characters and more!

Note: this is not cheats by any means, this bot does not access the game's memory data or files.




  • Auto crash detection, restart & login
  • Move & attack
  • Use skills
  • Predict time to rankup
  • Activate buffs periodically
  • Take potions (HP, MP & Pet)
  • Change channels
  • Avoid players (by changing channel, to ensure not getting reported)
  • Activate ruins
  • Teleport back after death (using hyper teleport rock)
  • Settings per character

Upcoming features

  • Kanna follower
  • In-game overlay
  • Email notifications
  • And much, much more!


  1. Download the files using the download link above and extract all of them into the same folder

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  • Open the settings.json file, this file will contain all the insutrctions for the bot, make sure to adjust everything according to your character, if you plan on using the bot with multiple characters then create a .json file for each character and name it accordingly, for example Kanna Settings.json, Shade Settings.json, etc...

  • By default the settings.json that you download will contain only the default parameters and would look something like that:

  "install_origin": "steam",
  "world": "bera",
  "PIC": "password",
  "hold_up": false,
  "right": "right",
  "left": "left",
  "up": "up",
  "down": "down",
  "jump": "alt",
  "hp_potion": "delete",
  "mana_potion": "insert",
  "pet_food": "end",
  "attack": "d",
  "buffs": [],
  "skills": []
  1. While using the bot, maplestory MUST be on 800x600 (4:3) windowed

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  1. Disable UAC (only if you use the auto restart feature). This is because when maplestory is launched, you are prompted with an admin privileges dialog, this dialog cannot be accepeted via code so in order to automate the process you'll need to disable it while using the bot.
  • Search "UAC" in the windows search

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  • Set it to "Never notify me ..."

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  1. After you finish with your .json files and steps 2 & 3, launch the bot.exe file as administrator and wait for it to load
  • If you have have mutliple .json files, you'll be prompted to select which file you wanna use

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  • Otherwise, if you only have one .json file in that folder then this file will automatically be selected

  • After selecting the .json file the bot will take control over your PC and start playing MapleStory

  • You can now go to sleep, good night :) "# MapleAfkBot"