
Bitbucket pipe for sending an email announcing a new release

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Email Release Pipe

semantic-release XO code style Snyk Security CodeQL OpenSSF Scorecard

A Bitbucket pipe to send an email with the release notes of the current release.

YAML Definition

Add the following snippet to the script section of your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file:

  - pipe: docker://tomerh2001/email-release-pipe:latest
      FROM: $FROM
      TO: $TO


Name Usage Type Default
USERNAME Username for authentication with the email server Mandatory None
PASSWORD Password for authentication with the email server Mandatory None
FROM Sender's email address. Mandatory None
TO Recipient's email address. Mandatory None
PACKAGE_NAME The name of the package being released. Optional name from package.json
VERSION The version of the package being released. Optional version from package.json
SSL_VERIFY Whether to verify the SSL certificate (true/false) Optional False
SUBJECT Subject line for the release email. Optional "Release v[version] for [package name]"


The release notes are either extracted directly from the CHANGELOG.md file or derived from the latest git commit note, converted to HTML, and emailed to the specified recipients. It also interprets emojis found in the markdown content.

The default subject format if not specified is "Release v[version] for [package name]".


  • Ensure you have set up the required environment variables in your Bitbucket Pipeline for email configuration (e.g., USERNAME, PASSWORD, etc.).
  • If you use commit notes, ensure they are formatted properly for extraction.
  • If you use a changelog, it must be named CHANGELOG.md.