Hole Filling Algorithm

This library fills holes in images.


Convert the source image to a grayscale format by taking the mean value of (r,g,b) values. Normalises color values from range [0-255] to [0.0-1.0] Assign -1 value to every pixel where defined as hole in the mask Find the the boundary of the hole (for either 8 or 4 connectivity) Applies the algorithm for every pixel in the hole Save the filled image in source image directory NOTE: Mask image is the same height and width of the source image. A pixel is defined as 'hole pixel' iff its color value in the mask satisfies value > 0.5


HoleFillAlgo [image path] [mask path] [z] [epsilon] [pixel connectivity: 4/8]


Set z in range 2 <= z <= 25 Set e < 1e-4


/HoleFillAlgo '/Users/tomer.haryofi/Downloads/HoleFillAlgo/HoleFillAlgo/images/Lenna.png''/Users/tomer.haryofi/Downloads/HoleFillAlgo/HoleFillAlgo/images/Mask.png' 3 8