
Play Spotify music through Raspberry while on same network

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Connect your Raspberry Pi to your home internet and play music when you are connected to the same network!

After you run the docker-compose, you can go to Spotify and play songs through the Pi. I find it great for parties and for reusing old speakers that don't have Wi-Fi / Bluetooth.

This is even better than bluetooth speakers because any number of people can connect at the same time, plus the range is as big as your Wi-Fi coverage.

all you need to do is to clone this repo into a directory and run the compose file: git clone https://github.com/qSharpy/raspotify-docker-compose' docker-compose up -d

Environment variables:

- DEVICE_NAME=Raspotify #this is the default name you will see on the network

- BITRATE=320 #set the bittrate as you wish, 128, 256, 320

Many thanks to https://github.com/dtcooper/raspotify and https://hub.docker.com/r/piotrb/raspotify-docker

Piotr did a "run" version of this, but I find that the docker-compose is the way to go, especially when you considering setting different settings scaling and scaling.

Tested on Raspberry Pi 4B

updated for pipeline