This is a collection of my university courses notes, some are in italian, others in english, in the latter case there might be some imprecision. Feel free to contact me if you've found any errors or want to contribute in any way.
These notes are considered finished, they will probably not be updated:
- Artificial Intelligence 🇮🇹 notes about evolutionary algorithms;
- Architectures for big data 🇮🇹 notes about all the course;
- Information retrieval 🇬🇧 notes about all the course, there are some imperfections and some topics might not be complete;
- Sistemi distribuiti e pervasivi 🇮🇹 notes about all the course.
- Algoritmi e complessità 🇮🇹 notes about all the course.
This is a list of courses I am currently following, thus the notes might not be complete nor accurate:
- Algoritmica per il web 🇮🇹 notes about all the course;