Input Plus Plus for Umbraco is a property editor prepending and appending content to inputs.
##Build Status
- Initial release
Install the latest version through NuGet.
Install-Package Epiphany.InputPlusPlus
After installing via Nuget, create a property of type Input++ and include on your page.
Alternatively, if you want to hack around with the project, you can fork, checkout and develop locally. See the [Developing Input Plus Plus](#Developing Input Plus Plus) section.
- Prepended Text
- Will appear before the input
<dt>Appended Text</dt>
<dd>Will appear after the input</dd>
<dt>Placeholder Text</dt>
<dd>Text that appears in the textbox</dd>
<dt>Additional classes</dt>
<dd>Seperate with a space. Classes here are added to the input. See Bootstrap 2.3 docs for some sizes. Example: input-small</dd>
<dt>Inline Styles</dt>
<dd>If set, will be added as a style attribute to the input</dd>
git clone
cd input-plus-pus
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
If you wish to build it to a local Umbraco directory, use the target
grunt --target=c:\dev\path-to-umbraco-root-dir