
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node ZBar

node-zbar is a NodeJS binding to the ZBar QR Code library. Initially this will spawn a child process and monitor the output. But eventually it will be a C++ module.


To use node-zbar, you will install the prerequisite of ZBar.

Compile from source see


Node-zbar can then be installed via NPM

npm install zbar

Then, require the module

var zbar = require('zbar');


var Zbar = require('zbar');

zbar = new Zbar(device[, options]);

zbar.stdout.on('data', function(buf) {
  console.log('data scanned : ' + buf.toString());                                                                                                      

zbar.stderr.on('data', function(buf) {

Watch for data on device. device is a path to a supported webcam device. For example /dev/video0

The second argument is optional. The options if provided should be an object. The list of available options are as following:

width - scale the width of the sampled image

height - scale the width of the sampled image

dataType - can be raw or xml. default is raw

You should watch the stdout and stderr data.


var Zbar = require('zbar');

zbar = new Zbar('/dev/video0');

zbar.stdout.on('data', function(buf) {
  console.log('data scanned : ' + buf.toString());                                                                                                      

zbar.stderr.on('data', function(buf) {


Licensed under the New BSD License