
detection of duplications and deletions using Python based machine learning techniques

Primary LanguagePython


A python script for the detection of duplications and deletions using machine learning. This tools is meant to identify small copy number variants within a chromosome with otherwise mostly consistent copy number. Note this tool works on most read data mapped to reference genome e.g. single-end short reads or MinION data, though all examples provided here use 100bp paired end reads. This folder contains two forms of dudeML, one uses split reads and reads with supplementary alignments in

1. Requirements

A number of programs are required to install. A majority of these can be installed via brew, apt, pip or conda.


  • Python3
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • Biopython


  • bedtools
  • short-read simulator (e.g. wgsim)
  • short-read aligner (e.g. BWA)
  • short-read parser (e.g. SAMtools)

this can be done via:

conda create -n dudeml python=3.7 anaconda
source activate dudeml
conda install -n dudeml pandas numpy scikit-learn biopython
conda install -n dudeml wgsim bwa samtools bedtools


Within the script, the directory for bedtools and wgsim need to be set. If both of these tools are within the path, they can be left as they are. Depending on which form of dudeML you use, you shoudl rename dudeML_withSplit.py or dudeML_withoutSplit.py to dudeML.py

2. Functions

Subfunctions of the dudeML script, each function provides a specific role and requires differing inputs (described by running the help function of the tool).

  1. winStat Finds the average coverage of a window in the chromosome, relative to the average chromosome coverage.
  2. fvecSample Reformats the bedfile with coverage information into sets of windows surrounding a focal window.
  3. fvecTrain Reformats the bedfile with coverage information into sets of windows surrounding a focal window. Also includes information on if a CNV is present in the window, and the estimated number of copies of that window per chromosome.
  4. simCNV Generate coordinates for random CNVs in the fasta file input, after accounting for repetitive content.
  5. recreateTotal If already known deletions and duplications are being used in the training data, this function skips the simulation of CNVs and instead generates a file with positions where CNVs should be, for simChrs.
  6. simChr Masks known repetitive content in the given chromosome and generates chromosomes with simulated CNVs.
  7. classify Given a training file (generated in formatTrain) and a sample file (generated in formatSample), will predicted windows with CNVs based on coverage and standard deviation of coverage.
  8. predict Given a training file (generated in formatTrain) and a sample file (generated in formatSample), will predicted windows with CNVs based on coverage and standard deviation of coverage.
  9. simReads Simulates read pairs of chosen length to a certain coverage of the chosen chromosome, requires WGsim.
  10. subTrain Downsample a training file by a certain percentage or to a certain number of each category.
  11. summarize Combines called CNVs, and if known CNVs are provided, tells you if called CNVs are True-positives or otherwise.
  12. winStatExtra Creates summary windows based on known coverage estimates.
  13. covSummary Summarizes the coverage of each chromosome in the genomeCoverageBed file.

3. Input file formats


The reference sequences for mapping and for generating training files, in the following format:





BAM files

A binary file containing short reads mapped to a repeat masked reference genome, used as input for genomeCoverageBed within dudeML.


A bed file of known (or simulated) duplications, with the number of copies per chromosome and the frequency of the duplication in the sampled data (e.g. the number of chromosomes with this duplication/ the total number of chromosomes):

Chr1 1000 1344 dup 3 1.0

Chr1 2455 6700 dup 2 0.5

Chr1 34501 36119 dup 2 1.0

Chr1 45117 48932 dup 4 0.5


A bed file of known (or simulated) deletions, with the number of copies per chromosome and the frequency of the deletion in the sampled data (e.g. the number of chromosomes with this deletion/ the total number of chromosomes):

Chr1 1000 1344 del 0 1.0

Chr1 2455 6700 del 0 0.5

Chr1 34501 36119 del 0 1.0

Chr1 45117 48932 del 0 0.5

Fvec files

A type of bed file, containing information on CNVs and copy number if a training file, and containing strain ID if a sample file. Reformats the bedfile from winStat to a feature vector, summarizing the windows around the focal window.

2L 22240500 22240550 N 1.0 0.64 0.151 0.92 0.071 1.04 0.134 1.04 0.101 1.2 0.075 1.12 0.112 1.44 0.132 1.12 0.168 1.12 0.124 1.6 0.163 1.42 0.145

4. A simple walkthrough

A. Simulate training data

We used the provided DiNV virus genome and repeat locations. Following that, we simulated CNVs for a homozygous individual, requiring 1 set of chromosomes to be generated. Its important that the training data is as similar as possible to the sample being tested, so attempt to generate a file with similar coverage as your sample with a similar number of chromosomes (e.g. 2 for a heterozygote). The only files that need keeping after the chromosomes are simulated are the total files and del.1.bed and dup.1.bed, which contains the information about the simulated CNVs.

Git clone https://github.com/tomh1lll/dudeml.git
cd dudeml

maskFastaFromBed -fi DiNV_CH01M.fa -bed DiNV.sat.bed -fo DiNV_CH01M.fa.masked
bwa index DiNV_CH01M.fa.masked

for i in train test
mkdir ${i}_sim
python3 dudeML.py simCNV -fasta DiNV_CH01M.fa -CNV 50 -d ${i}_sim -N 1
python3 dudeML.py simChr -fasta DiNV_CH01M.fa -cnvBed ${i}_sim/total.1.bed -id ${i} -d ${i}_sim

B. Estimating coverage in training and test data

We next simulated reads for the custom chromosomes containing CNVs using WGSIM within dudeML and following mapping, used bedtools to calculate coverage per site, we then used a custom python script to find the mean coverage of each chromosome to find the relative coverages of each window. In this case a homozygote was simulated.

for i in train test
python3 dudeML.py simReads -fasta DiNV_CH01M.fa -cov 20 -d ${i}_sim -id ${i} -RL 100
bwa mem -t 4 DiNV_CH01M.fa.masked ${i}_sim/${i}_20_1.fq ${i}_sim/${i}_20_2.fq | samtools view -Shb - | samtools sort - > ${i}_sim/total.bam
python3 dudeML.py winStat -i${i}_sim/total.bam -o ${i}_sim/total_50.bed -w 50 -s 50

C. Reformatting sample and training datasets.

We then removed repetitive regions, reformatted the data to show the relative coverage of the focal window and the 5 windows on each side. We also prepared the data to filter and extract the regions with known duplications or deletions in training the file. We also labelled CNVs in the test dataset for comparison later. As repetitive regions can be tricky to deal with, we ignored windows with more than 50% of the window masked as an (-c 0.5).

python3 dudeML.py fvecTrain -i train_sim/total_50.bed -o train_sim/total_50train.bed -w 50 -TE DiNV.sat.bed -dups train_sim/dup.1.bed -dels train_sim/del.1.bed  -windows 5 -c 0.5
python3 dudeML.py fvecSample -i test_sim/total_50.bed -w 50 -o test_sim/total_50sample.bed -id test_sim -TE DiNV.sat.bed -windows 5 -c 0.5

D. Predicting CNVs using the generated files.

Following this, you can create a classifier from one of the training features vector files generated and test out predictions of CNVs in the other file.

python3 dudeML.py classify -i train_sim/total_50train.bed -o train_sim/total_50train.sav
python3 dudeML.py predict -i test_sim/total_50sample.bed -t train_sim/total_50train.sav -o test_sim/total_50pred.bed

Alternatively, if multiple training files have been generated, these can be used to bootstrap the predicted CNVs, allowing you to take a consensus estimation of CNVs (much more conservative). In this case, the training file is set as a directory containing the training files.

for i in {0..99}
mkdir train_sim/rep_${i}
python3 dudeML.py simCNV -fasta DiNV_CH01M.fa -CNV 50 -d train_sim/rep_${i} -N 1 -c 0.5
python3 dudeML.py simChr -fasta DiNV_CH01M.fa -cnvBed train_sim/rep_${i}/total.1.bed -id ${i} -d train_sim/rep_${i}
python3 dudeML.py simReads -fasta DiNV_CH01M.fa -cov 20 -d train_sim/rep_${i} -id ${i} -RL 100
bwa mem -t 4 DiNV_CH01M.fa.masked train_sim/rep_${i}/${i}_20_1.fq train_sim/rep_${i}/${i}_20_2.fq | samtools view -Shb - | samtools sort - > ${i}_sim/rep_${i}/total.bam
python3 dudeML.py winStat -i train_sim/rep_${i}/total.bam -o train_sim/rep_${i}/total_${i}.bed -w 50 -s 50
rm train_sim/rep_${i}/${i}_20_1.fq
rm train_sim/rep_${i}/${i}_20_2.fq
rm train_sim/rep_${i}/total.bed
rm train_sim/rep_${i}/total.bam
rm train_sim/rep_${i}/DiNV_CH01M_${i}_CNV.fa
python3 dudeML.py fvecTrain -i train_sim/rep_${i}/total_${i}.bed -o train_sim/rep_${i}/train_${i}.bed -w 50 -TE DiNV.sat.bed -dups train_sim/rep_${i}/dup.1.bed -dels train_sim/rep_${i}/del.1.bed -windows 5 -c 0.5
python3 dudeML.py classify -i train_sim/rep_${i}/train_${i}.bed -o train_sim/training/train_${i}.sav
rm train_sim/rep_${i}/train_${i}.bed

python3 dudeML.py predict -i test_sim/total_50sample.bed -t train_sim/training/ -o test_sim/total_50pred_bootstrap.bed

E. Using real data in dudeML

Real data with known structural variants can be used as a training set using the following pipeline.

python dudeML.py winStat -i knownCNV.bam -o knownCNV_50.bed -w 50
python3 dudeML.py fvecTrain -i knownCNV_100.bed -o knownCNV_50.bed -w 50 -TE repeats.gff -dups knownDUP.bed -dels knownDEL.bed -c 0.5

Real data can also be used as the test sample to identify unknown CNVs.

python dudeML.py winStat -i unknownCNV.bam -o unknownCNV_50.bed -w 50
python3 dudeML.py fvecSample -i unknownCNV_50.bed -o unknownCNV_50_sample.bed -w 50 -TE repeats.gff -c 0.5

The deletions and duplications bedfile should have 6 columns, showing the chromosome, start, end, type of CNV, frequency and number of copies of the CNV.

2L  28779  30880  dup  0.5 2
2L  41020  42111  dup  1.0 2
2L  42277  42668  dup  0.5 2
2L  55715  55717  dup  1.0 9
2L  61325  61881  dup  1.0 2
2L  69942  70335  dup  1.0 6
2L  70571  72017  dup  1.0 5

Then the generated training and test sets can be used to find CNVs.

python3 dudeML.py predict -i unknownCNV_50_sample.bed -t knownCNV_50_train.bed -o unknownCNV_50_pred.bed

F. Predicting CNVs in two D.melanogaster genomes.

We first downloaded the melanogaster reference genomes for iso-1 and A4

Following that, we bootstrapped a set of simulated CNVs for a homozygous individual for each genome, Its important that the training data is as similar as possible to the sample being tested, so attempt to generate a file with similar coverage as your sample with a similar number of chromosomes (e.g. 2 for a heterozygote). The only files that need keeping after the chromosomes are simulated are the total files and del.1.bed and dup.1.bed, which contains the information about the simulated CNVs.

for j in iso1 A4
mkdir train_${j}/training
mkdir train_${j}
for i in {0..N}
mkdir train_${j}/rep_${i}
python3 dudeML.py simCNV -fasta fasta/Dmel_${j}.fa -CNV 50 -d train_${j}/rep_${i} -N 1 -c 0.5 -TE fasta/Dmel_${j}.fa.out.gff
python3 dudeML.py simChr -fasta fasta/Dmel_${j}.fa -cnvBed train_${j}/rep_${i}/total.1.bed -id ${j}_${i} -d train_${j}/rep_${i}
python3 dudeML.py simReads -fasta fasta/Dmel_${j}.fa -cov 20 -d train_${j}/rep_${i} -id ${j}_${i} -RL 100
bwa mem -t 4 fasta/Dmel_${j}.fa.masked train_${j}/rep_${i}/${j}_${i}_20_1.fq train_${j}/rep_${i}/${j}_${i}_20_2.fq | samtools view -Shb - | samtools sort - > train_${j}/rep_${i}/total.bam
python3 dudeML.py winStat -i train_${j}/rep_${i}/total.bam -o train_${j}/rep_${i}/total_${i}.bed -w 50 -s 50
rm train_${j}/rep_${i}/${j}_${i}_20_1.fq
rm train_${j}/rep_${i}/${j}_${i}_20_2.fq
rm train_${j}/rep_${i}/total.bed
rm train_${j}/rep_${i}/total.bam
rm train_${j}/rep_${i}/*_CNV.fa
python3 dudeML.py fvecTrain -i train_${j}/rep_${i}/total_${i}.bed -o train_${j}/rep_${i}/train_${i}.bed -w 50 -TE fasta/Dmel_${j}.fa.out.gff -dups train_${j}/rep_${i}/dup.1.bed -dels train_${j}/rep_${i}/del.1.bed -windows 5 -c 0.5
python3 dudeML.py classify -i train_${j}/rep_${i}/train_${i}.bed -o train_${j}/training/train_${i}.sav
rm train_${j}/rep_${i}/train_${i}.bed
gzip -9 train_${j}/rep_${i}/total_${i}.bed

Following that, we can make iso1 data to the A4 genome and vice versa, then call CNVs

mkdir real_data
for i in iso1 A4
for j in iso1 A4
bwa mem -t 4 fasta/Dmel_${i}.fa.masked ${i}_1.fastq.gz ${i}_2.fastq.gz | samtools view -Shb - | samtools sort - > real_data/${i}_${j}.bam
python3 dudeML.py winStat -i real_data/${i}_${j}.bam -o real_data/${i}_${j}.50.bed -w 50 -s 50
python3 dudeML.py fvecSample -i real_data/${i}_${j}.50.bed -w 50 -s 50 -o real_data/${i}_${j}.sample.bed -id ${i}_${j} -TE fasta/Dmel_${j}.fa.out.gff -windows 5 -c 0.5
python3 dudeML.py predict -i real_data/${i}_${j}.sample.bed -t train_${j}/training/ -o real_data/${i}_${j}.predict.bed

This will generate predicted CNVs in iso1 relative to A4 and in A4 relative to iso1. These can be validated next to a known set of CNVs.