
Fully working Markdown Editor written in AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AngularJS Markdown Editor

This is a fully working markdown editor written in AngularJS.

Browser support: Tested on Google Chrome only

Libraries used:

  • Christopher Jeffrey's Marked library for rendering markdown content.
  • FontAwesome for icon fonts.
  • Gentium Book Basic font from Google

Live demo: http://codedaily.vn/editor/

![](http://i.imgur.com/uCZMZ5D.png =600x)

Format features:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Horizontal line
  • Bullet list
  • Numbered list
  • Header (H1 only)
  • Insert URL
  • Insert Image
  • Insert code block (Using SyntaxHighlighter format)
  • Insert inline code
  • Insert blockquote

To Do:

  • Auto insert list item on enter
  • Apply URL to selected text
  • Select more header tag (H2, H3, H4,...)
  • Insert URL at selected line
  • Insert image at selected line
  • Integrate social sharing, wordpress posting
  • Scroll sync
  • Export to HTML
  • Table support
  • Syntax highlighter in preview zone
  • Toggle preview zone on/off
  • Saving document
  • Loading document
  • Loading document from HTML page
  • Insert inline comment/notes
  • Animated UI
  • Coding style, reusable codes...
  • add more later...