Flask Celery Multiprocessing

A demo app to explore patterns for MP in flask and celery apps.

This will publish a message to a python multiprocessing Queue when a page is loaded or a task is ran.

When the flask/celery app is started it will also start a Process which will read from the queue. Once it has read the batch size (which is set to 3 here) it will print the messages it has received from the queue.

It's the most strpped down version of this pattern. See the sentry_sdk for a more full featured example.

Demonstrating the flask app functionality

You should be able to run gunicorn flask_app:app to start the flask app.

Then, view the demo page at and after 3 page loads it will print the queue contents:

['Page loaded', 'Page loaded', 'Page loaded']

Demonstrating the celery app functionality

You should be able to run celery -A celery_app worker --loglevel info to start a celery worker process.

Then, running python celery_app.py will dispatch the add task.

After the 3rd execution of a task it will print the queue contents:

['Task run', 'Task run', 'Task run']