
ua finds sets of files which are identical

Primary LanguageC++


ua finds sets of files which are identical and kua finds files which
are identical to the given file.


Mozilla  Public  License, http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
Also see the copyright notes in the source files.


  $ sh autogen.sh CFLAGS= CXXFLAGS=-O3
  $ make
  $ sudo make install

In essence, this is what it actually does:

  $ g++ -o ua -O3 -I. ua.cc filei.cc -lcrypto 
  $ g++ -o kua -O3 -I. kua.cc filei.cc -lcrypto

You may define __NOHASH and in this case, sorted tree based
data structures will be preferred to hashed ones.

  $ g++ -o ua -O3 -I. -D__NOHASH ua.cc filei.cc -lcrypto 

The tool uses openssl's md5 (libcrypto). The tool also uses the POSIX 
getopt lib.

The tool may use sorted (tree based) or hashed data structures. By default,
hashed ones preferred. This can be overridden by specifying __NOHASH.
Also it can be passed to make as


  filei.h:  header with class and function definitions, can be used
            in other tools

  filei.cc: implementation of stuff defined in filei.h, can be included
            in both static and dynamic libraries

  ua.cc:    main of ua
  kua.cc:   main of kua


  filei.h extensively documents the interface. Sparse comments in the cc
  files help in understanding the code.


   After install, see the man page, 

   $ man ua
   $ man kua

   Or read the online help

   $ ua -vh
   $ kua -vh