
Spreading the word about Flood Volunteers (http://floodvolunteers.co.uk/)


Find users to target:

python find_users_to_target.py \
	--twitter-consumer-key=$consumer_key \
	--twitter-consumer-secret=$consumer_secret \
	--flood-warning-severe \
	--flood-warning-warning \
	--flood-warning-alert > users.txt

Prioritise them as you want:

sort -k2n -k3nr -k1 users.txt | cut -f1 -f3 > users_sorted.txt

Send messages to all matched users:

You need:

  • Twitter API Details
  • Three files in pusher/input/:
    • users.txt: Tab separated txt file containing a list of twitter usernames and nearby volunteer counts.
    • messages.txt: A txt file listing messages templates with two "%s" for replacing with twitter username and volunteer counts.
    • blacklist.txt: Users you don't want to send to. Successfully sent messages will have usernames added here.
./run.sh \
	--consumer_key=$consumer_key \
	--consumer_secret=$consumer_secret \
	--access_token_key=$access_key \
	--access_token_secret=$access_secret \
	--sleep_time=60 \