
🏦 📁 A FUSE filesystem to access your Monzo bank account(s)

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


monzo-fs is a FUSE file system that allows you to walk through a Monzo account and associated transactions as if they were files and folders.

monzo-fs is:

  • alpha quality: it works for me but ymmv, it might break as Monzo change their API or for other random reasons.
  • simple: it roughly follows the Monzo API's structure to make your account easy to navigate.
  • powerful: using the shell tools you know and love you can slice and dice all the information from your Monzo account and create compelling demos.
  • read only: this is not a huge limitation imho, and not something I'm likely to address in the near future, but being able to upload receipt images with drag-and-drop would be neat.
  • a personal project: this is not something related to my professional employment, or something I have copious time to work on and extend.

monzo-fs builds upon the Monzo API, and makes use of some other excellent open source projects such as (but not limited to) fusepy, FUSE, rfc3339 and iso8601 libraries.


You need a Monzo developer account and your own oauth client with http://localhost:1234 as a "Redirect URL".

Terminal 1 (install fuse, install monzo-fs, mount)

$ brew install fuse
$ pip install monzo-fs
$ monzo-fs /tmp/monzo --client_id=<yours> --client_secret=<yours>
.. Follow the instructions on screen and then in your browser ..

Terminal 2 (explore)

$ ls /tmp/monzo

$ ls /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/transactions/2016/08/ | head

$ ls /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/transactions/2016/08/tx_00009Aq4fq7rt647A5pWLp/
account_balance category        dedupe_id       json            metadata        settled
account_id      counterparty    description     local_amount    notes           updated
amount          created         id              local_currency  originator
attachments     currency        is_load         merchant        scheme

$ cat /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/transactions/2016/08/tx_00009Aq4fq7rt647A5pWLp/category

$ cat /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/transactions/2016/08/tx_00009Aq4fq7rt647A5pWLp/amount

$ cat /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/transactions/2016/08/tx_00009Aq4fq7rt647A5pWLp/is_load

Getting started

You will first need to install FUSE. Mac users brew install fuse is an easy option, Linux users should enjoy something as simple as apt-get install fuse and I have no idea how this (or anything) works on Windows.

Once you have fuse installed:

  1. Create a Monzo developer account.
  2. Create a new oauth client with http://localhost:1234/ listed as a "Redirect URL". Note the client id and secret (you need them later).
  3. Install monzo-fs: pip install monzo-fs
  4. Run monzo-fs: monzo-fs /tmp/monzo --client_id=<yours> --client_secret=<yours>.
  5. Run through the oauth dance (click the link in terminal, put in your email, click the link in your email, go back to terminal).
  6. 🎉 You're good to go, monzo-fs is mounted on /tmp/monzo! 🎉


monzo-fs stores state between starts in ~/.monzofs. This file contains a valid oauth token so you don't have to constantly re-authorize everytime you restart the program.


Some random examples to get you started/excited. Basically it's possible to explore your transaction history in a pretty meaningful way by looking at it as a file system. monzo-fs is designed to be relatively efficient so you don't have to be (e.g. we cache slow requests like listing transactions) but not overly agressive so data is relatively fresh (e.g. most caches live a few minutes).

Retrieve your balance

$ ls -l /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/balance/
total 24
-r--r--r--  0 root  wheel  6  1 Jan  1970 balance
-r--r--r--  0 root  wheel  4  1 Jan  1970 currency
-r--r--r--  0 root  wheel  7  1 Jan  1970 spend_today

$ cat /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/balance/balance

$ cat /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/balance/spend_today

Print the notes from a specific transaction

$ cat /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/transactions/2015/08/tx_00008zIcpb1TB4yeIFXMzx/notes
Salmon sandwich 🍞

Print the number of transactions per day in a given month

$ cat /tmp/monzo/acc_00009Aq4VDixoGFnIxcBmr/transactions/2016/08/*/created | cut -d T -f 1 | cut -d - -f 3 | sort | uniq -c
  17 01
   4 02
   4 03
   7 04
   4 05
   7 06
   5 07
   5 08
   1 09
   3 10
   3 11
   5 12
   7 13
   4 14
   1 15
   1 16
   6 17

Print a graph of your spending over a given month

This one needs a shell script to be readable ;)

for account in "$(ls -1 /tmp/monzo/)"; do
    # For each account...
    # 1) Create and truncate a file to hold date/balance pairs.
    touch "/tmp/monzo-balance-${account}"
    > "/tmp/monzo-balance-${account}"

    # 2) Loop through all transactions in 2016/08 and get the created time and balance.
    for txn in "/tmp/monzo/${account}/transactions/2016/08/"*; do
        # Print out "date time balance" records.
        created="$(cat "${txn}/created" | cut -d . -f 1)"
        balance="$(cat "${txn}/account_balance")"
        echo "${created} ${balance}" >> /tmp/monzo-balance-${account}

    # 3) Plot as a graph using gnuplot.
    gnuplot << __EOF
    set terminal png
    set output '/tmp/monzo-balance-${account}.png'
    set xdata time
    set format x "%m/%d"
    set timefmt "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
    plot "/tmp/monzo-balance-${account}" using 1:2 with linespoints

    # 4) Profit?
    rm -f "/tmp/monzo-balance-${account}"
    open "/tmp/monzo-balance-${account}.png"

Example result:



Can this spend my monzough?

Not at the moment (the Monzo API is read only). If Monzo change this and the default oauth scope provides access to initiate payments then monzo-fs (or tokens granted by it) could theoretically do this.

Is this safe to use?

Maybe, hopefully, probably not. I use it, you should make up your own mind. It's alpha.

What permissions are files/folders given?

Files/folders have root:root as the owner ({uid,gid} = 0) and are world readable/listable.

How do I unmount?

Easiest option is to ^C the monzo-fs process. If you can't find it pkill -f monzo-fs might do it. Finally you can umount -f /tmp/monzo to kill the mount, but it's likely the monzo-fs process will hang around as a zombie.