
Code reviews. In plain text.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Diffscuss: Code Reviews. In Plain Text.


Hello, recent stargazers and users!

We're excited that you're interested in checking out diffscuss.

We'd be delighted to hear about any snafus you hit as you're getting up and running, or any feedback you have in general. Feel free to reach out to us: we're edmund, matt, or dan @hut8labs.com. (Or, if you hit a bug etc., feel free to open up an issue).


Note: v2 of diffscuss introduces an incompatible format change

Because there were so few v1 users (mainly just Hut 8), we made a clean break rather than saddle everyone with backwards compatibility forever.

You can see more at issue #36, but the short version is:

  • diffscuss now uses # instead of % as the beginning of line marker

  • reviews produced with v1 can be converted by simply replacing those %'s with #

  • there is a script/convert_percent_to_pound.sh if you'd like to use that

What is Diffscuss?

Diffscuss is:

  • a file format that allows threaded code reviews to exist inline with the unified diffs they address (any legal diffscuss file is also a legal unified diff)

  • an Emacs mode and Vim plugin to support responding to / managing code reviews in that format (including jumping directly to the source code a comment addresses--great for actually making those little fixes and improvements)

  • a set of command line tools to support generating and managing reviews in the diffscuss format with a simple, directory based tool for posting and managing code reviews, as well as to import reviews from github pull requests (experimental)

We at Hut 8 Labs originally developed diffscuss to help us do code reviews when we were onsite with a client who didn't have their own code review system. Since a life without code reviews just isn't worth living for us, we found ourselves emailing diffs back and forth to each other, with messages like "about halfway through the diff you do X, maybe you should do Y?" Eventually we even started inserting comments right in the attached diffs themselves--comments like "EWJ RENAME THIS VARIABLE OR DIE IN A FIRE!!!"--which worked surprisingly well, except that:

  • it was easy to miss comments and replies in large diffs, even when the comments were all caps and followed by multiple exclamation points

  • it was a pain to co-ordinate reviews and replies from even two other people

  • it was a pain to track down the actual source lines a comment referred to, which meant an unpleasantly high activation energy for applying small fixes and suggestions

So we created diffscuss--a code review format based on unified diffs, with editor support for threaded inline comments, basic review management and git integration, and (best of all) support for jumping right from a comment to the local source it addresses, without ever leaving the comfort of Emacs (or, because Hut 8's own Matt Papi is a Vimmortal, Vim).

What Does a Diffscuss Review Look Like?

Here's a diffscuss file newly created by "Edmund Jorgensen," requesting review for a trivial python file. Note the comment at the top of the file describing the review as a whole.

Emacs Screenshot

In this screenshot, "Someone Else" has read the review and commented on the print "hello world" line.

Emacs Screenshot

Now "Edmund Jorgensen", while reading the comment, decides to take "Someone Else's" suggestion. He hits C-c C-d s in Emacs with his cursor on "Someone Else's" comment...

Emacs Screenshot

And Emacs opens up a new buffer with the cursor positioned right on the line to which "Someone Else's" comment applied.

Why Might You Want to Use Diffscuss?

  • you like the idea of reading and responding to code reviews right in your editor

  • you want to lower the activation energy needed to apply small fixes and suggestions (jump right to the source with a single key combo! make the change! jump right back!)

  • you like the idea of keeping your reviews in your repo, right next to your code, or emailing them back and forth if you're just a couple hackers working on something and that's easier

  • you like the idea of using grep and all the rest of that unix-y toolchain goodness on your reviews

Why Shouldn't You Use Diffscuss?

  • you're a big team, or you have significant process around code reviews (e.g. you have automated restrictions for review-then-commit workflows)

  • you're not using git (for the moment, diffscuss is tightly integrated with git)

  • you're not using Emacs or Vim (for the moment, those are the two editors with diffscuss tooling support)

Getting Started

Install the diffscuss exe

Diffscuss is a set of python utils wrapped in a single exe. You can either get the latest source from github and run run setup.py install, or you can grab the latest release from pypi with easy_install diffscuss or pip install diffscuss.

Install the Emacs mode or Vim plugin

(see "The Emacs Mode" and "The Vim Plugin" below for installation and usage)

You can now go bare bolts and just open up any unified diff file to start reviewing, or you can...

Generate a diffscuss review.

Use diffscuss generate from within a git repo to generate a new review. The only required argument is the revision range to construct the review from, which is passed through as is to git and can therefore be in any format recognized by git log (e.g. HEAD^..HEAD is a common one).

By default all the commit messages within the range will be collected into the initial review comment, and the author will be the value of the user.name git config setting.

Set up simple code review management

Diffscuss supports an extremely basic per-user "inbox" for incoming code reviews.

These inbox are just directories, and reviews are "added to" an inbox by creating a symbolic link to a diffscuss file (which is kept in a per-repo "diffscussions" directory).

To get started, run diffscuss mailbox init (or run with -h to see help). This will create (by default) a .diffscuss-mb file and a "diffscussions" directory at the top level of your repo, both of which should be added to source control.

Next you'll want to create an inbox per user, with diffscuss mailbox make-inbox <user-name>, which will create an inbox under "diffscussions/users/".

Finally, so that you can check your inbox for new reviews, you'll want to tell diffscuss which inbox should be considered yours by running diffscuss mailbox set-default-inbox <your-user-name>. This creates a config variable called diffscuss-mb.inbox in your local git config and sets it to the user name you supplied.

Use simple code review management

Under diffscuss mailbox There is support for posting reviews, marking them done (which just translates to removing symlinks in user directories), and "bouncing" reviews, which means marking your review done and asking someone else to take a look (e.g., because you made comments that you want the original poster to implement / respond to).

Use diffscuss mailbox -h and diffscuss mailbox <subcommand> -h for arguments and options to run from the command line.

The Emacs and Vim modes also have support for checking your mailbox, posting, bouncing, and marking reviews done right from your editor.

In Emacs:

  • C-c C-d m p prompts for recipients and posts the current Diffscuss file for their review

  • C-c C-d m b prompts for recipients and bounces the review to them, removing the review from your inbox.

  • C-c C-d m d marks the review as done, removing it from your inbox.

  • M-x diffscuss-mb-check checks your inbox and lists all incoming reviews. You may wish to bind it globally to C-c C-d m c with:

(global-set-key "\C-cmc"  'diffscuss-mb-check)

In Vim:

  • <leader>mp prompts for recipients and posts the current Diffscuss file for their review

  • <leader>mb prompts for recipients and bounces the review to them, removing the review from your inbox.

  • <leader>md marks the review as done, removing it from your inbox.

  • <leader>mc opens a preview window with a list of all incoming reviews in your inbox. You can use gf with your cursor on a filename in the list to open the review (or e.g. C-w gf to open it in a new tab).

Github Pull Request Import (Experimental)

You can import a pull request (or series of) from github into local diffscuss files.

See diffscuss github-import for more.

Getting help

The diffscuss exe has help available with -h globally and for each subcommand.

The Format in a Nutshell

Diffscuss piggybacks on unified diff comments (which are indicated by a leading #), with the consequence that a legal diffscuss file is still a legal diff, just with some extra comments (which patch and related should ignore). Lines beginning with #* are considered diffscuss comment headers, and lines beginning with #- are diffscuss comment bodies. The number of * or - characters indicates reply threading.

Comments apply to the line directly above them. Comments at the top of the file apply to the entire review in general.

Take a look at the "Format Definition" section for (much) more detail.

The Emacs Mode

The Emacs mode is implemented in a single .el file, diffscuss-mode.el. To install, either move the diffscuss-mode.el file to a directory in your load path or else add the Diffscuss mode directory to your load path in your .emacs file like so:

(setq load-path
      (append (list nil "/path/to/diffscuss/diffscuss-mode")

Once the file is in your load path, require the mode with:

(require 'diffscuss-mode)

The mode colorizes Diffscuss files to make for easier reading. In addition it helps with:

Inserting Comments

The main command you need to know is C-c C-d C-c, which generally "does the right thing" based on the position of the cursor. To wit:

  • If the cursor is at the very top of the buffer, it will insert a new review-level comment (this function is available anywhere in the buffer with C-c C-d C-f).

  • If the cursor is inside another comment, it will create a reply to that comment (this can also be invoked with C-c C-d C-r).

  • If the cursor is inside the diff index information for a file / hunk, it will insert a comment after the "range line" (the line beginning with @@).

  • If the cursor is on a diff line, it will create a comment directly below that line (this is also available with C-c C-d C-i).

Jumping to Source

This currently requires that the Diffscuss file you are visiting is somewhere under a git checkout of the repo against which the Diffscuss file was generated.

Local Source

If you position the cursor on one of the diff lines in a Diffscuss file, then:

  • C-c C-d s will attempt to find the local source file / line in that file that's the best candidate to match up with the Diffscuss line the cursor is currently on.

Repository Versions of the Source

  • C-c C-d - will open up a temporary buffer containing the old version of the source (if it's available locally), with the cursor positioned on the same line.

  • C-c C-d + will open up a temporary buffer containing the new version of the source (if it's available locally), with the cursor positioned on the same line.


You can move around the Diffscussion quickly using:

  • C-c C-d f to move forward one comment.

  • C-c C-d b to move back one comment.

  • C-c C-d n to move to the next thread.

  • C-c C-d p to move to the previous thread.

  • C-c C-d a to move to the beginning of the current thread.

  • C-c C-d e to move to the end of the current thread.

The Vim Plugin

Like the Emacs mode, the Vim plugin offers syntax highlighting, comment insertion, commands for jumping to source files, and motions for comments and threads. The Vim plugin is implemented primarily in Python, so you'll need a version of Vim compiled with Python support in order to use it (vim --version | grep '+python').


With Vundle

If you use Vundle, add this to your .vimrc and then :BundleInstall:

Bundle 'hut8labs/diffscuss', {'rtp': 'diffscuss.vim/'}

With Pathogen

If you use Pathogen:

  1. Clone the diffscuss repository.
  2. Copy diffscuss/diffscuss.vim to ~/.vim/bundle.
  3. Set the diffscuss_dir key of g:diffscuss_config to the path of the diffscuss clone.


The Vim plugin will use its environment and git config to determine your name and email (for pre-filling comments) and for various runtime paths.

If you wish, you can override these settings by specifying some or all of a g:diffscuss_config dictionary in your .vimrc:

let g:diffscuss_config = {
    \'author': 'Your Name',
    \'email': 'your.email@example.com',
    \'diffscuss_dir': '/path/to/diffscuss',
    \'python': '/path/to/python'

Inserting Comments

  • <leader>dd: insert a new comment contextually (Emacs C-c C-d C-c)
  • <leader>df: insert a new review-level comment (Emacs C-c C-d C-f)
  • <leader>dr: insert a new reply (Emacs C-c C-d C-r)
  • <leader>di: insert a new comment (Emacs C-c C-d C-i)

Showing the Source

  • <leader>do: show the old source version (Emacs C-c C-d -)
  • <leader>dn: show the new source version (Emacs C-c C-d +)
  • <leader>ds: show the local source version (Emacs C-c C-d s)


  • ]d: jump to the start of the next comment
  • [d: jump to the start of the previous comment
  • ]D: jump to the end of the next comment
  • [D: jump to the end of the previous comment
  • ]t: jump to the start of the next thread
  • [t: jump to the start of the previous thread
  • ]T: jump to the end of the next thread
  • [T: jump to the end of the previous thread

Pull Request Export (Experimental)

Diffscuss ships with an experimental diffscuss github-import command, which imports or more Github pull requests into local Diffscuss files.

One possible use for this (besides transition, if you're going to use Diffscuss), is to provide a searchable, offline copy of your pull requests.

There's some talk about making this bidirectional, so that, e.g., you could import a pull request, make local responses in diffscuss, and push the changes, but for the moment it's just talk. Let us know if you'd be interested in this (or interested in helping write it!).

What Else the Future Might Hold

  • Side-by-side diff viewing in the modes

  • Svn support

  • Support for Sublime

  • Support for Eclipse

  • Support for other editors

  • Export from ReviewBoard / other code review systems

  • Imports into various code review systems (Diffscuss as code review interchange)

If any of these appeal to you / scratch a personal itch, please let us know--or even better, contribute!

Format Definition in Hairy Detail

Beginning of Line Marker

All Diffscuss lines begin with either '#*' (for a header) or '#-' (for a body).

There's no limit to the length of a Diffscuss line, but keeping them 80 chars or less when possible is probably good citizenship, since they're meant to be read and edited inside editors.

Diffscuss Comment Format

A Diffscuss comment begins with an author line, and possibly other header lines, followed by at least one body line.

Header Lines

A header line is one '#' followed by at least one '*', followed by a space, followed by a header of the format 'field-name: value'.

Header lines may also be empty, for spacing purposes, containing no 'field-name: value', in which case the space after the * is also optional.

A header line must always begin a comment or follow another header line.

For example, all three of these are valid header lines:

#* author: Bob Jones
#*** x-github-version: 1

The field name cannot contain whitespace. The value cannot contain a newline.

The current Diffscuss headers are:

  • author

  • email

  • date

Non-standard headers should begin with an 'x-', to keep compatible with future additions to the Diffscuss format (for example, this is what the github import uses).

The author Header

An author line is a standard header line with a field of 'author' and a value indicating who authored the comment. For example:

#* author: ejorgensen


#** author: bsmith

Every comment must begin with an author line. All other headers are optional.

The date Header

Dates should be specified in the full ISO 8601 standard, including time zone offset, e.g. 2013-11-22T23:11:21-0400.

Body Lines

A body line is one '#' character followed by at least one -, followed by a space, followed by arbitrary text.

Exception: for an empty body line, the space is optional.

For example:

#- This is a body line.
#-- And so is *this*.
#- and this next body line
#- is empty, so doesn't need a space, but could have one.

A body line must always follow a header line or another body line.


A thread is one or more adjacent comments, properly threaded.

For example, this is a thread:

#* author: ejorgensen
#- I'm a one comment thread.

And so is this:

#* author: ejorgensen
#- I'm a two comment thread.
#* author: bsmith
#- With no replies, just two top level comments.

And so is this:

#* author: ejorgensen
#- I'm a two comment thread.
#** author: bsmith
#-- With a reply.

To be explicit: the nesting / reply level of a thread is determined by the number of '*' characters in each header line / '-' characters in each body line, which should remain constant for a given comment.

A comment that is a reply to a previous comment should have one more '*' at the beginning of each header line and one more '-' at the beginning of each body line than its parent comment.

The parent comment for any reply can always be determined by finding the closest previous comment with one less level of nesting. For example:

#* author: ejorgensen
#- I'm a top-level comment.
#** author: bsmith
#-- And I'm a reply.
#*** author: sjones
#--- And I'm a reply to the reply.
#** author: jkidd
#-- And I'm a second reply to the original top-level comment.
#* author: mdarks
#- And I'm another top-level comment.
#** author: lbutterman
#-- And I'm a reply to the second top-level comment.

Position / Target of Threads

Diffscuss threads are generally taken to apply to the line immediately above them, so for example in this snippet:

+It's only just a test
#* author: ejorgensen
#- I have grave doubts about this change.  To me it appears foolhardy
#- and dangerous.

The comment applies to the line

+It's only just a test

A Diffscuss thread can also appear directly after the range information in a hunk, in which case the target of the comment is assumed to be the entire hunk, for example:

--- 1.txt	2013-03-07 20:18:10.000000000 -0500
+++ 2.txt	2013-03-07 20:18:35.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#* author: ejorgensen
#- I love this hunk.
 This is a test.

-It's just a test
+It's only just a test

Finally, if a thread appears at the very top of the Diffscuss file, the thread applies to the whole changeset (where it should generally act as a thread discussing the review as a whole--for example, introductory remarks about what the changes are attempting to achieve, "ship it" remarks, etc.).

Every Diffscuss file must begin with such a changeset level thread (optionally preceded by any number of "magic" comment lines, e.g. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-").