
A standards-based CSS parser - forked from tabatkins/parse-css

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A standards-based CSS parser


  • forked from the wonderful tabatkins/parse-css
  • aims to be a standards-compliant implementation of the CSS Syntax Module in JavaScript
  • written in ES module format with ES6 JavaScript
  • works in modern browsers (Chrome/Edge/Safari/Firefox) and Deno

Note: If you want a version of this written in ES5 JavaScript to use as a script in the browser (not as a module), or to use as a CommonJS module with Node, check out the original tabatkins/parse-css which works beautifully in both of those environments.


This package is delivered as an ES module. There are a few ways you can import the functions this package makes available depending on how you want to work with it.

To import all functions

import * as parseCSS from './index.js'

  parseCSS.parseARule('div { color: lime; }')

To import individual functions by name

import {parseARule} from './index.js'

  parseARule('div { color: lime; }')

More information about JavaScript's import statement can be found on the Mozilla Developer Network: MDN Web Docs: import - JavaScript

Exported functions

The tokenize() function will tokenize any string given as input:

  • tokenize

These functions correspond equivalent section in the CSS Syntax Module:

  • parseAStylesheet
  • parseAListOfRules
  • parseARule
  • parseADeclaration
  • parseAListOfDeclarations
  • parseAComponentValue
  • parseAListOfComponentValues
  • parseACommaSeparatedListOfComponentValues


This project is released under Creative Commons CC0.


Biggest thanks goes to Tab Atkins Jr., without whose original parse-css this fork would not exist! After evaluating many different CSS parsing projects, only parse-css managed to parse CSS correctly. Thanks for your work on parse-css and your amazing contributions to CSS standardization and web standards.