
Simple subscription support for Rails SaaS apps using Stripe.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Subscriptions with Stripe for Rails applications.

Influx does not contain a UI, just models and services to construct a subscription service.

Influx borrows heavily from the gems payola and koudoku, and especially the book 'Mastering Modern Payments'.


Influx requires that you have:

  • a subscriber model (Influx defaults to ::User) with an email attribute
  • Stripe keys


To get started, add Influx to your Gemfile and run bundle install to install it:

gem 'influx'

Run the influx installer and then run the migrations:

% rails generate influx:install
% rake db:migrate

The Influx install generator assumes your subscriber model is ::User. You may specify an alternate class with the --subscriber flag:

% rails generate influx::install --subscriber MyApp::Profile

What does the install task do?

  • Installs and configures an initializer: config/initializers/influx.rb
  • Add a route to mount the StripeEvent engine: mount StripeEvent::Engine => '/hooks/stripe'


The influx::install generator installs the Influx initializer at config/initializers/influx.rb. The initializer contains an Influx configuration that uses sensible defaults but offers several options.

Subscriber class

Influx assumes your subscriber model is a class named ::User. If you specify a subscriber class with the install generator, it will be set in the initializer's configuration:

Influx.configure do |config|
  config.subscriber = 'MyApp::Profile'

Stripe Keys

The default implementation expects your stripe keys to be set in three environment variables:


It's not recommended, but you can instead set the keys yourself in the Influx initializer:

Influx.configure do |config|
  config.secret_key = 'sk_test_1234567890'
  config.publishable_key = 'pk_test_1234567890'
  config.signing_secret = 'some_secret_key'

Default Currency

The default currency defaults to 'usd'. You can change to some other currency with the configuration option default_currency in the initializer config:

Influx.configure do |config|
  config.default_currency = 'eur'

See Stripe's Supported Currencies page for more information.

Event Processing

Influx uses the stripe_event gem to process Stripe events. Influx records each event id and will not process an event with the same id a second time.

You can supply an event filter in the initializer config:

Influx.configure do |config|
  config.event_filter = MyApp::MyCustomEventFilter.new


Influx provides models and services.

  • Create plans from the console using Influx::CreatePlan.
  • Offer subscriptions and sign users up using Influx::CreateSubscription.
  • Change subscription plans with Influx::ChangeSubscriptionPlan.
  • Cancel subscriptions with Influx::CancelSubscription.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/tomichj/influx. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.