
:maple_leaf: Leaflet.Autocomplete search outside map, no dependence. Use of different formats, remote api or static files.

MIT LicenseMIT

Leaflet.Autocomplete GeoSearch outside map

Leaflet.Autocomplete is to expand the autocomplete plugin with the ability to geocode and show data on the map in the way you think you need

This example uses remote api for geocoding NOMINATIM-API in GeoJSON format and is based on the library AUTOCOMPLETE


See the demo - example

You can also use the autocomplete library on a map, see this example: autocomplete-on-map


  • Use remote api or static files, e.g. in the GeoJSON format, but there is nothing to prevent it from being a different format.
  • Accessible, with full support for ARIA attributes and keyboard interactions.
  • Customize your own CSS.
  • Support for asynchronous data fetching.
  • Move between the records using the arrows , and confirm by Enter
  • No dependencies



<div class="auto-search-wrapper">
    placeholder="enter the city name"




<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tomickigrzegorz/autocomplete@2.0.2/dist/js/autocomplete.min.js"></script>


All parameters controlling the AUTOCOMPLETE library available on this page https://tomickigrzegorz.github.io/autocomplete/

// minimal configure
new Autocomplete("search", {
  // default selects the first item in
  // the list of results
  selectFirst: true,

  // The number of characters entered should start searching
  howManyCharacters: 2,

  // onSearch
  onSearch: ({ currentValue }) => {
    // You can also use static files
    // const api = '../static/search.json'
    const api = `https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=geojson&limit=5&city=${encodeURI(

     * jquery
    // return $.ajax({
    //     url: api,
    //     method: 'GET',
    //   })
    //   .done(function (data) {
    //     return data
    //   })
    //   .fail(function (xhr) {
    //     console.error(xhr);
    //   });

    // OR -------------------------------

     * axios
     * If you want to use axios you have to add the
     * axios library to head html
     * https://cdnjs.com/libraries/axios
    // return axios.get(api)
    //   .then((response) => {
    //     return response.data;
    //   })
    //   .catch(error => {
    //     console.log(error);
    //   });

    // OR -------------------------------

     * Promise
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((data) => {
        .catch((error) => {
  // nominatim GeoJSON format parse this part turns json into the list of
  // records that appears when you type.
  onResults: ({ currentValue, matches, template }) => {
    const regex = new RegExp(currentValue, "gi");

    // if the result returns 0 we
    // show the no results element
    return matches === 0
      ? template
      : matches
          .map((element) => {
            return `
          <li class="loupe">
                (str) => `<b>${str}</b>`
          </li> `;

  // we add an action to enter or click
  onSubmit: ({ object }) => {
    // remove all layers from the map
    map.eachLayer(function (layer) {
      if (!!layer.toGeoJSON) {

    const { display_name } = object.properties;
    const [lng, lat] = object.geometry.coordinates;

    const marker = L.marker([lat, lng], {
      title: display_name,


    map.setView([lat, lng], 8);

  // get index and data from li element after
  // hovering over li with the mouse or using
  // arrow keys ↓ | ↑
  onSelectedItem: ({ index, element, object }) => {
    console.log("onSelectedItem:", index, element, object);

  // the method presents no results element
  noResults: ({ currentValue, template }) =>
    template(`<li>No results found: "${currentValue}"</li>`),

MAP initialization

const config = {
  minZoom: 6,
  maxZomm: 18,
// magnification with which the map will start
const zoom = 3;

// coordinates
const lat = 52.22977;
const lng = 21.01178;

// calling map
const map = L.map("map", config).setView([lat, lng], zoom);

// Used to load and display tile layers on the map
L.tileLayer("https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
    '&copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',

Other options

This example geocodes addresses, but nothing prevents you from showing polygons or other things on the map. You can use the same library for other purposes.

Autocomplete on the map

A bit of work and you can put this functionality on the map, see an example: autocomplete-on-map-button

Multi-layer search

You can also search in layers using this library: multi-layer-search. Each color reflects a separate layer. In the example, there are exactly three layers - restaurant, bar and pharmacy.

Autocomplete with geojson

You can also search in FeatureCollection: autocomplete-with-geojson