- If you have any problem u can contact me
- Not for sell only for personal use...You can remake it
- Only for Base/Example and then make your own otp bot
- Only work for Twilio
- Need Verified Twilio Acc to work
- Planning to make OTP Bot for Vonage
- https://cracked.io/NamiWoiiii
- https://patched.to/User/nami
- https://discord.gg/dm96sgkafP
pip install Flask
pip install twilio
pip3 install discord
pip install -U discord-py-interactions / pip install -U discord-py-slash-command
1.Download ngrok (you can watch youtube)
2.make ngrok tunnel with ngrok http 5000 or ngrok http
3.fill the config.txt(run bot.py to get the config.txt)
4.run voice_response.py (you can edit the script)
5.Give enough permission to the bot
6.run bot.py
7.go into discord and use /call
- You can change the voice in https://console.twilio.com/us1/develop/voice/settings/text-to-speech
Digits - OTP Code Digits Amount
Phone Number - Target's Phone Number
Name - Target's Name
Company Name - Company's Name
Call Again
- If the call failed
- LSwXv1XA3ozJW3rNnGZ9RzVqFsv3GHzPCi
- bc1qrmsa6uew8r7h7t37jrwss4wrh54chxqsc7hss6
- 50001 Missing Access
- Give the Bot Enough Access
- Make sure the server id is correct
- Make Sure the Oauth2 Url Gen Have the same scope as the pic above