
This library was originally incentivized by ICDevs. You can view more about the bounty on the forum or website. The bounty was funded by The commuity and the award paid to @Gekctek. If you use this library and gain value from it, please consider a donation to ICDevs.


This is a library that enables encoding/decoding of bytes to candid values



Currently there is no official package but there is a manual process:

  1. Add the following to the additions list in the package-set.dhall
{ name = "candid"
, version = {{candidVersion}}"
, repo = ""
, dependencies = ["xtended-numbers"] : List Text
{ name = "xtended-numbers"
, version = "{{xtendedNumbersVersion}}"
, repo = ""
, dependencies = [] : List Text

Where {{candidVersion}} should be replaced with the latest release from Where {{xtendedNumbersVersion}} should be replaced with the latest release from

  1. Add candid as a value in the dependencies list in vessel.dhall
  2. Run ./ which runs the vessel command to install the package


Example of call_raw usage:

func call_raw(p : Principal, m : Text, a : Blob) : async Blob {
    // Parse parameters
    let args: [Arg.Arg] = switch(Decoder.decode(a)) {
        case (null) Debug.trap("Invalid candid");
        case (?c) c;

    // Validate request...

    // Process request...

    // Return result
    let returnArgs: [Arg.Arg] = [



decode(candidBytes: Blob) : ?[Arg.Arg]

Decodes a series of bytes to CandiArgs. If invalid candid bytes, will return null


encode(args: [Arg.Arg]) : Blob

Encodes an array of candid arguments to bytes

encodeToBuffer(buffer : Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, args : [Arg.Arg]) : ()

Encodes an array of candid arguments to a byte buffer


hash(t : Tag) : Nat32

Hashes a tag name to a Nat32. If already hashed, will use hash value

hashName(name : Text) : Nat32

Hashes a tag name to a Nat32

equal(t1: Tag, t2: Tag) : Bool

Checks for equality between two tags

compare(t1: Tag, t2: Tag) : Order.Order

Compares order between two tags


equal(v1: Type, v2: Type): Bool

Checks for equality between two types

hash(t : Type) : Hash.Hash

Hashes a type to a Nat32


equal(v1: Value, v2: Value): Bool

Checks for equality between two values

Library Devlopment:

First time setup

To build the library, the Vessel library must be installed. It is used to pull down packages and locate the compiler for building.


To build, run the ./ file. It will output wasm files to the ./build directory


To run tests, use the ./ file. The entry point for all tests is test/ file It will compile the tests to a wasm file and then that file will be executed. Currently there are no testing frameworks and testing will stop at the first broken test. It will then output the error to the console


  • How to properly escape special words like 'func'. Currently doing '_func'
  • Opaque reference byte encoding/decoding
  • Error messaging vs null return type for decoding
  • Better/Documented error messages
  • More test cases
  • Use testing framework