
A platform that allows you to search for public repositories.


  1. Ruby version 2.6.0
  2. Rails 5.2.4
  3. Bundler version 1.17.2

Technology used

  • Language
    1. Ruby
  • Framework used
    1. Ruby on Rails
  • Development and testing
    1. RSpec Rails
    2. Rubocop

Setting up

  1. clone this respository git clone

  2. Open the cloned directory with cd gitxplore.

  3. Run bundle install to install dependencies

  4. run server with rails server


After reading the requirements for searching public repositories on Github's V3 api documentation, I created a very simple web app where I display public repositories from github based on search term provided by user. I added caching based on the search parameter which expires in 3 minutes to avoid hitting the api for same search keywords multiple times.


Tomilayo Israel