
Primary LanguageRuby

Widget App

Build Status

Rails application which wraps ShowOff's API and allows users to manage and view widgets.


  1. Ruby version 2.6.0
  2. Rails 5.2
  3. Bundler version 1.17.2

Technology used

  • Language
    1. Ruby
  • Framework used
    1. Ruby on Rails
  • Development and testing
    1. RSpec Rails
    2. Rubocop

Setting up

  1. clone this respository git clone git@github.com:tomily1/widget.git.
  2. Open the cloned directory with cd widget.
  3. Run bundle install to install dependencies
  4. set the showoff_api configuration in config/initializers/showoff_api.rb N.B. 4 has already been set in the credentials.yml.enc. the master.key will be sent to you separately
  5. run the app with rails server
  6. the app will be available on localhost:3000

Live Demonstration

This app is available and hosted on Heroku and it is available here https://showoff-widget.herokuapp.com.


After reading the requirements carefully, I created a api wrapper in form of a gem in vendor/gems folder which contains all the hosts in the api documentation. To get in first hand how this API works, follow the steps:

  1. cd into vendor/gems/showoff_api.
  2. copy the client_id and client_secret in the config in .pryrc file.
  3. In your console at the root of the gem, run command pry.

Showoff_Api GEM

This provides a wrapper for the ShowOff API. The response class provides three attributes code, message and data

  • Configuration
  config = ShowoffApi.configure do |c|
    c.client_id = '<client_id>'
    c.client_secret = '<client_secret>'

    c.host = 'host'
    c.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT).tap { |l| l.level = :debug }
  • Authentication
  # Login user and get back token
  response = ShowoffApi::Auth.new.login(user_name: '<username>', password: '<password>')

  # Register a new user
  response = ShowoffApi::Auth.new.register(
    first_name: '<first_name>',
    last_name: '<last_name>',
    user_name: '<username>',
    password: '<password>',
    image_url: '<url>'

  # Revoke access token
  response = ShowoffApi::Auth.new.revoke('<user token>')

  # Refresh access token
  response = ShowoffApi::Auth.new.refresh('<user token>')
  • User
  # Fetch my widgets
  response = ShowoffApi::User.new.my_widgets('<token>', 'term (optional)')

  # Fetch widgets belonging to a particular user
  response = ShowoffApi::User.new.widgets('<token>', 'user_id', 'term (optional)')

  # update user data
  response = ShowoffApi::User.new.update('<token>', 'user object = {}')

  # show a user or Me
  response = ShowoffApi::User.new.show('<token>', 'id (optional)')

  # Change user password
  response = ShowoffApi::User.new.change_password('<token>', 'new & old password payload')

  # check email
  response = ShowoffApi::User.new.check_email('<token>', 'email')

  # reset password
  response = ShowoffApi::User.new.reset_password('<token>', '{ email: t@t.co }')
  • Widget
  # fetch widgets (visible as well)
  response = ShowoffApi::Widget.new.fetch('<token>', 'term (optional)', 'visible/not (boolean and optional)')

  # create widget
  response = ShowoffApi::Widget.new.create('<token>', 'widget payload (hash)')

  # update widget
  response = ShowoffApi::Widget.new.update('<token>', 'id', 'widget payload (hash)')

  # destroy/delete widget
  response = ShowoffApi::Widget.new.destroy('<token>', 'id')
  • Response

To log response from the api wrapper gem you can do the following

  p response.code
  p response.message
  p response.data