
Notes mobile app - effective note taking with a tiny code footprint, easy to extend. PWA+Vue techstack.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Tiny Notes

The app is hosted at tinynotes.tomicloud.com.

Tiny notes is a mobile notes app that provides the essential note taking or diary features in a small package. The user interface is minimal but functional.

Technically tiny notes is an PWA web app that works offline. No data is stored at or communicated to the server.

The source code is small in size. If you know the basics of web development, it is easy to extend the app with extra features.

Screenshots: main view, edit view, settings


Core features

Tiny notes packs together these features that I have found essential in a notes app:

  • fast and simple user interface (any annoyances would cause daily pain)
  • notes are color coded based on tag
  • notes can be quickly searched via tag or text
  • note creation date is adjustable (to set correct date later)
  • export and import of data (single json file)
  • look'n'feel can be customized (injected CSS)

Since I myself am the primary customer for this app, it lacks other features and also requires some technical skills to customize the CSS style. To make it better for YOU, grab the sources and hack!

Tech stack

Tiny notes is created with Vue front-end framework and Vite tooling with a single PWA plugin. Instant joy!

Local database of notes is implemented via standard browser IndexedDB.

There are only 3 main source files with under 700 lines of code:

├─ /src/
│  ├── App.vue # UI template, CSS and logic to handle actions (Vue SFC)
│  ├── db.js   # api to indexeddb
│  └── util.js # utility functions

The app contains logic to refresh itself automatically when the files at the host server are updated, provided by the PWA plugin.

Netlify is used for hosting the static files, with continuous deployment.


To run and develop the app locally, download the sources and invoke:

npm install

and then open your browser at localhost:3000.

To distribute the app invoke:


and the output files appear in dist/. Copy these files to your host and then serve them via https to activate PWA functionality.

If you serve the app from a sub folder, remember to configure the base folder in vite.config.js.


I am an active note taker, jotting down things and thoughts to remember every day. During the years I've used many notes apps that don't have the correct features in place or come with too bloated user interfaces.

The most recent notes app that I used on my Android was a quite decent OmniPlus, partly because it is open source.

I had the intention to modify its sources to suit me better but yikes - it is a big codebase! There is a total of 170 java files with 21967 lines of code, not counting tests! Too serious for me, never had the energy to get started.

Back in 2009 I coded an Android notes app myself that participated in the Google Android Developer Challenge 2. The app GooMemo is still available at the play store but I didn't have the time to maintain it after some years. (It's spirit maybe lives here in Tiny notes.)

Being familiar with webtech, I have known that it does not take a great effort to build a mobile notes app as a PWA. It doesn't need to have the bells and whistles, just a very focused, minimal and fast UI. Web is perfectly fine for that. Since I like side projects, I implemented this app for myself and released the sources for anybody to tinker with.

I finally have a notes app that suits me best, with a tiny codebase that can be instantly modified to add new features.


MIT License


App is coded by Tomi Mickelsson.