
Example app showing the Luis capabilities as component catalogue

Primary LanguageTypeScript


An example application showcasing LUIS use as catalogue. Tests are executed in the browser, as well as snapshots.

WARNING: The CI can be delivered via mocha and chai-match-snapshot but browser snapshots can vary from snapshots generated on server. If you do not care about CI, do not worry.

How to use Luis catalogue in your app

  1. Install dependencies with:

    yarn add react react-dom // if you do not have react app add it to dev
    yarn add luis luis-browser fuse-box --dev
    // optional dependencies for writing tests
    yarn add chai --dev
    // optional dependencies for typescript
    yarn add @types/react @types/chai --dev
  2. Define your tests and run the luis app in your entry file

  3. Add fuse.js to run Luis with fuse-box

Example Configuration

Entry File

Here you need to link all your tests, so that fuse-box and luis can pick them up. Use storyOf to define your story. Check out the documentation of luis for full description of API.

// src/index.ts
import * as React from 'react';

import { setupLuisBridge } from 'luis-jest-bridge';
import { renderLuis } from 'luis';
import { expect } from 'jest';

// setup browser bridge, which will allow to execute simple tests and stories in browser

// you can either write your tests here or import them from other test files
// e.g. import 'path/to/my/test'

// simple component with no tests
  () => <div>My Component</div>

// component with tests
  'Component With Test',
    foo: 2,
    bar: 3,
    get component() { // just another notation
      return <div>My Tested</div>;
  data => {
    it('passes', () => {

    it('fails', () => {


Setup Fuse-box

Following is a config file for Fuse-Box. First, it may seem a bit overwhelming but it is pretty straightforward and well documented.

const { FuseBox,  CSSPlugin, CSSResourcePlugin,  WebIndexPlugin } = require('fuse-box');

// init fusebox and plugins

const luisFuse = FuseBox.init({
  homeDir: 'src',
  emitHMRDependencies: true,
  output: 'public/$name.js',
  plugins: [
        group: 'luis.css',
        outFile: `public/luis.css`,
        inject: false
    WebIndexPlugin({ template: 'src/index.html', target: 'index.html' })

// init dev server

const historyAPIFallback = require('connect-history-api-fallback');
luisFuse.dev({ port: 3000 }, server => {
  const app = server.httpServer.app;

// split bundle between vendor and client

  .instructions(' ~ src/index.tsx'); 

  .instructions(' !> [src/index.tsx]'); 
