
Ruby library to read/write Google Spreadsheet

Primary LanguageRuby

This is a Ruby 1.8/1.9 library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.

How to install

$ sudo gem install google-spreadsheet-ruby

Note that gimite-google-spreadsheet-ruby at gems.github.com is no longer updated, because github stopped hosting it.

How to use


require "rubygems"
require "google_spreadsheet"

# Logs in.
# You can also use OAuth. See document of GoogleSpreadsheet.login_with_oauth for details.
session = GoogleSpreadsheet.login("username@gmail.com", "mypassword")

# First worksheet of http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pz7XtlQC-PYx-jrVMJErTcg&hl=en
ws = session.spreadsheet_by_key("pz7XtlQC-PYx-jrVMJErTcg").worksheets[0]

# Gets content of A2 cell.
p ws[2, 1] #==> "hoge"

# Changes content of cells. Changes are not sent to the server until you call ws.save().
ws[2, 1] = "foo"
ws[2, 2] = "bar"

# Dumps all cells.
for row in 1..ws.num_rows
  for col in 1..ws.num_cols
    p ws[row, col]

# Yet another way to do so.
p ws.rows #==> [["fuga", ""], ["foo", "bar]]

# Reloads the worksheet to get changes by other clients.

API document: gimite.net/gimite/rubymess/google-spreadsheet-ruby/

Source code


The license of this source is “New BSD Licence”

Supported environments

Ruby 1.8.x and Ruby 1.9.x. Checked with Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.3.


Hiroshi Ichikawa - gimite.net/en/index.php?Contact