
TeamApt Frontend Engineer Test

Primary LanguageSCSS

TeamApt Frontend Engineer Assessment

How to Run

  • Open project folder
  • Open the "index.html" file with any browser.
  • Alternatively, the liveserver plugin of vscode can be used to open the "index.html"
  • Here's a preview of my implementation hosted on netlify: Preview

Architecture Considerations & Assumptions

  • Task is a single simple page
  • Using any javascript framework would be overkill and unnecessary for a simple page; hence no framework was used.
  • Entire task was done with pure html, javscript and scss (scss was compiled to css with "sass watcher")
  • Given the expected rotation animation of the shimmer at the bottom of the page, I tweaked the design on figma to allow for a seamless 360 degree rotation.
  • The javascript code in "script.js" exists only for animating the left and right coins with gsap (An animation package), all other animations are done with css.
