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Testing spring-based applications
#52 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
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Instinct-core should either not have a mandatory requirement on fj or should list it as mandatory dependency in the pom
#50 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
The failure property does not get set on failure, so failing builds pass
#47 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
- 2
InstinctTask requires specification classes to be present in taskdef classpath
#46 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Example project pom.xml isn't correct.
#45 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
Instinct FirstStep results in "class file for not found"
#44 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
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Support scala.List expect
#42 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
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Add more matchers for FJ data types
#39 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
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Expected exceptions are being printed to console in Ant runner even though spec passes
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Subcontext Support
#35 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Abstract classes are being run as a result of specification runner refactoring
#36 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
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containsItems method for arrays
#34 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
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Eclipse Plugin: quick fix option to wrap a statement in an expectation.
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Eclipse Plugin: Annotation formatting
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Eclipse Plugin: Context creator
#32 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
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Eclipse Plugin: When renaming the Subject Interface/Class have the Context test be renamed as well
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CommandLineRunnerSlowTest.testRunsContextAndReportsErrors fails to finish under Windows
#24 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Overriden specifications run twice
#23 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Expected exception try-catch should only wrap specs, not before and after
#21 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Context treeview shows baseclass and subclass when only subclass is run
#22 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
Eclipse Junit4 InstinctRunner shows tests under the "Unrooted Tests" node
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Throwing exception out of mocked code confused expected exception handling
#19 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Wrap obscure jMock exceptions
#17 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Can't create stubs for interfaces
#18 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
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Dummy creator dummies final classes
#14 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Stub creator causes NPEs
#15 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
It would be nice not to have to depend on jmock when writing a BDD-style test involving no mocks
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Better error message when stubs (and other test doubles) cannot be created
#13 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 5
Add 'should' syntax
#10 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
Add 'should
#9 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
@BeforeSpecification does not run if implemented in an abstract base class.
#8 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
Instinct assertion failures translates to JUnit errors and not JUnit failures (JUnit 4)
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