
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/obibuild

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

***********************************   Obi   ***********************************


* What is Obi? *

Obi is a build tool for Scala and Java projects. Obi uses a flexible DSL style
syntax to specify a build configuration.

* Distribution Contents *

The distribution contains the following contents:

o README                       - This readme file.
o LICENCE                      - Obi licence file.
o NOTICE                       - Licence notices for libraries used in Obi.
o RELEASE-NOTES                - Release notes for this & previous releases.
o obi-<version>.jar            - Obi Jar file.
o obi-<version>-scaladoc.jar   - Obi API scaladoc.
o obi-<version>-src.zip        - Obi source code.
o lib/                         - Libraries required by Obi at runtime, see below for details.

Obi depends on the following libraries at runtime.

o ant-1.7.0.jar
o ant-launcher-1.7.0.jar
o scala-compiler-2.6.1.jar
o scala-library-2.6.1.jar
o scalaz-2.3.jar

* Documentation *

Documentation can be found at: http://obibuild.googlecode.com/.

* Source *

Source code is available within the obi-<version>-src.jar. Complete source is
available at: http://obibuild.googlecode.com/

* Contributions *

o Tom Adams
o Paul O'Keeffe

o Tony Morris

Thanks to the work done on Scala, Scalaz, SAnt & Ant.

Obi development and research is sponsored by Workingmouse: http://workingmouse.com/.