
A Java library to retrieve data and pricing information from Valves Steam platform

Primary LanguageJava

Java Steam API

Build Status

A Java library to retrieve data from Valves Steam platform.

Use it in your own code like this:

SteamApi steamApi = new SteamApiImpl();
long appIdOfHalfLife = 70;
SteamApp halfLife = steamApi.retrieveData(appIdOfHalfLife);

// or

List<Long> appIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
List<SteamApp> games = steamApi.retrieveData(appIds);

// then

String gameName = halfLife.getName();
BigDecimal price = halfLife.getPrice().getFinalPrice();
... and more

This retrieves almost all available data for the given Steam ID or list of IDs, including prices and discounts.

Maven dependency:
