
Primary LanguageRuby

-               Welcome to the Koding Dev Environment!              -

   Here, you can create, edit, and preview your files. Below is a
   brief "How To"...

                        -  Getting Started  -

   - Double click a folder in your file tree to view its contents.

   - Public files are located in:

     every file under that location can be viewed with URL

     e.g. /home/USERNAME/Web/1.txt
     is at http://USERNAME.kd.io/1.txt

   - All VM's are accessable at "http(s)://VMNAME.USERNAME.kd.io"

   - Double-click on a file to open it within your editor.

   - Files within your "Web" folder can be previewed by selecting
     'Preview' from top-right app menu.

   - To create a new file, you can do one of the following:
       1. Click the "+" tab above this tab, and then click
          the "Save" button.
       2. Right-click your file tree, and choose "New File".

   - You can change the syntax format, font size, and many other
     options in the Settings button located at the bottom-right
     side of this editor.

   - Try opening one of the default files provided in your
     "Web" folder!

   - Your VM's are full Ubuntu servers with root access, to access
     root use "sudo su -".

   - You can install any software from the apt repositories using 
     "apt-get install <package name>".

   - By default apache runs on your VM, this can be replaced with any
     other httpd of your choice.

   - Feel free to write any questions, comments, or issues as a
     Status Update in your Activity Feed.

-                               Enjoy!                              -

                  brought to you by your friends at

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