Allows you to manage company details for one or more companies provided in settings and root pages. Company details stored in settings are used as fallback, if an specific company detail is missing in involved root page.
You can display company details dynamically simply by using the provided company modules or alternatively by using a company insert tag.
The following company details can be stored in settings and root pages:
Company name
Postal code
Phone number
Phone number 2
Fax number
E-mail address
E-mail address 2
Info 2
Social-Media links
The following frontend modules are provided:
: Displays the stored company logoSocial media list
: Displays stored social media links
All company details can be called anywhere by the following insert tags:
: Outputs a mailto link e.g.<a href=""></a>
: Outputs a mailto link e.g.<a href=""></a>
: Outputs a tel link e.g.<a href="tel:01234567890">+49 1234 / 56 78 90</a>
: Outputs a tel link e.g.<a href="tel:01234567890">+49 1234 / 56 78 90</a>
: Outputs the full address