Experimental PLATFORMIO ESP8266 example for accessing the magicpoi API.

To get this to work, you will need to fill in your own SSID and password, in the relevant place in "main.cpp"

To change the image displayed, edit the last line of "main.cpp" - "showLittleFSImage(x);"

It is not necessary to do so to test this sketch, however you can sign up to the image sharing site at http://magicpoi.circusscientist.com to upload your own images.

For testing purposes, no API key is required, and all images uploaded (maximum of 10) will be available via the api.

This is a work in progress, so expect things to break.

Confused? This is a new direction for the "Smart Poi" persistence-of-vision performance poi project. Re-branded as Magic Poi, and re-vamped with an online sharing platform, with much more to come. See circusscientist.com for more details.