Primary LanguageJavaScript

Developer Portfolio Website with Theme Customization

This is a developer portfolio website built using React that allows you to showcase your projects and skills to potential clients or employers. What sets this portfolio apart is its complete theme customization functionality, which lets you change the background and primary colors of the website to match your personal style or brand.

The theme state/value is stored in the browser's local storage, so your last theme settings are automatically saved, even if you close your browser or refresh the page.

App Features:

  • Animate-on-scroll effect
  • Convenient contact options (Whatsapp, messenger, email)
  • An auto-scroll carousel for testimonials
  • Filterable portfolio projects
  • A FAQs toggle
  • An elegant floating navbar for tablets and phones

Hooks & Dependencies used:

  • useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer, useContext, custom hooks, and the context API
  • React Portal
  • Swiper JS
  • And more