
Standard build tools

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Toolbox provides a standard set of build tools to help bootstrap infrastructure projects. Toolbox is published as a Docker image and a Makefile library that can be included into your projects to help ensure a consistent and reproducable build experience.


  • Standard build tool image containing Terraform, AWS CLI, Snyk, Shellcheck, etc
  • Simplifies Terraform workspace configuration and management
  • Auto-generation of Buildkite pipelines
  • Make targets provide a consistent/reproducable way of invoking build tooling

Getting Started

To use Toolbox, download the latest released version of toolbox.mk from the releases page into the root of your project. The following Bash script will do the same thing.

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/seek-oss/toolbox/releases/latest \
  | jq -r '.assets[0].browser_download_url' \
  | xargs curl -Lso toolbox.mk

Then, include toolbox.mk from your project's Makefile.

# Makefile
include toolbox.mk

You can now run make help to show the available Toolbox commands. Most of the commands require a Toolbox configuration file which is described below.

To keep Toolbox up to date, you can run make toolbox-upgrade to install the latest released version.

To use Toolbox to generate your Buildkite pipeline update your .buildkite/pipeline.yaml file to call make buildkite-pipeline.

- label: ":buildkite: Create pipeline"
  command: "make buildkite-pipeline | buildkite-agent pipeline upload"


Each project that uses Toolbox needs to define a configuration file that tells Toolbox about your project. Toolbox will search for a configuration file in the root of your project in the following order of names: toolbox.yaml, toolbox.yml, .toolbox.yaml, .toolbox.yml. You can use the environment variable TOOLBOX_CONFIG_FILE if you want to use a custom file path.

An example annotated configuration file is shown below. The schema can be found here.

# (Optional)
# Terraform configuration section.
  # (Optional)
  # Terraform linting section. This section configures the behaviour of the
  # `terraform fmt` command.
    # (Optional)
    # Buildkite queue that is targetted by the lint operation. If this queue is omitted,
    # the lint operation is excluded from the Buildkite pipeline.
    queue: development

  # (Optional)
  # Terraform validation section. This section configures the behaviour of the
  # `terraform validate` command.
    # (Optional) Buildkite queue that is targetted by the validate operation. If this
    # queue is omitted, the validate operation is excluded from the Buildkite pipeline.
    queue: development

  # (Optional)
  # Terraform workspace configuration section.
  # Each Terraform workspace represents a deployent target that can be planned and applied.
  - # (Required)
    # Name of the workspace. This must be unique within the array of workspaces.
    name: us-west-1-development
    # (Optional)
    # Path to the variables file that corresponds to this workspace.
    var_file: config/us-west-1/development.tfvars
    # (Optional)
    # ID of the AWS account that this workspace is deployed to. This field is used to protect
    # against being authenticated against the wrong account. If this field is omitted, this
    # safety check will not be performed.
    aws_account_id: "111111111111"
    # (Optional)
    # Buildkite queue that is targetted by the Terraform operations on this workspace.
    # If this queue is omitted, this workspace will be excluded from the Buildkite pipeline.
    queue: development
    # (Optional)
    # Whether this workspace corresponds to a production environment. This field is used to
    # order deployments within the Buildkite pipeline so that non-production workspaces are
    # deployed before production workspaces.
    is_production: false
    # (Optional)
    # Array of branch names that may be deployed using this workspace. If this property is
    # not specified, only branches named "main" or "master" will result in a deployment.
    - sandbox

# (Optional)
# Shell script configuration section.
  # Shell linting section. This section configures the behaviour of the shellcheck and shfmt
  # commands which can either be run indendently via `make shell-shellcheck` and `make-shfmt`,
  # respectively, or together via `make shell-lint`.
    # (Optional)
    # Buildkite queue that is targetted by the lint operation (that runs both shellcheck and shfmt).
    # If this queue is omitted, the lint operation is excluded from the Buildkite pipeline.
    queue: development

# (Optional)
# Snyk configuration section.
  # (Required)
  # Name of the Snyk organisation to which projects should be assigned.
  org: my-org
  # (Required)
  # ID of the AWS secret that holds the Snyk API token.
  secret_id: snyk/api-token
  # (Optional)
  # Snyk application test section.
    # (Optional)
    # Buildkite queue that is targetted by the application test operation. If this queue is omitted,
    # Snyk application tests will be excluded from the Buildkite pipeline.
    queue: development
    # (Optional)
    # Whether the application test should run in "warning mode" and always pass so as not to block
    # the Buildkite pipeline. Defaults to false.
    always_pass: false

  # (Optional)
  # Snyk infrastructure test section.
    # (Optional)
    # Buildkite queue that is targetted by the application test operation. If this queue is omitted,
    # Snyk application tests will be excluded from the Buildkite pipeline.
    queue: development
    # (Optional)
    # Whether the application test should run in "warning mode" and always pass so as not to block
    # the Buildkite pipeline. Defaults to false.
    always_pass: false

# (Optional)
# Buildkite configuration section.
  # (Optional)
  # Whether Buildkite should block or wait between certain Terraform steps. This will apply between
  # the plan steps and the apply steps, as well as between apply steps for non-production workspaces
  # and production workspaces. If specified, the value of this property must be either "block" or
  # "wait". The default is to block.
  deploy_pause_type: block
  # (Optional)
  # Buildkite artifact management section. This section determines how the Buildkite artifacts plugin
  # (https://github.com/buildkite-plugins/artifacts-buildkite-plugin) should be configured for Terraform
  # plan and apply steps. The "from" and "to" properties below may make use of the ${workspace} variable
  # which will be replaced with the name of the Terraform workspace associated with the upload/download.
  - # (Required)
    # The type of steps that should download and/or upload these artifacts. Acceptable values are "plan"
    # and "apply".
    step_types: [plan, apply]
    # (Optional)
    # Artifact download configuration section.
    - from: target/package.zip
      to: target/${workspace}.zip
    # (Optional)
    # Artifact upload configuration section.
    - from: target/${workspace}.zip
      to: target/package.zip