
Coding challenge solution

Primary LanguageScala

Elevator Simulator

This is my solution to a coding challenge set during an interview process.

The top level interface is larkworthy.hci.ElevatorController which is an evolution of the suggested elevator control interface.

I added two types of elevator requests: 1, an ExternalRequest is one made by someone standing on a floor request an elevator to take them somewhere, they indicate the direction (either up or down); 2, an InternalRequest is made by someone already in an specific elevator car indicating where they wish to get off.

Functional Core

Personally, I do not like stateful OO interfaces, so the bulk of the work was done in larkworthy.hci.ElevatorSystem which is a immutable elevator control system.

Case classes for data. Sealed classes for enumerations. Immutable collections for containers. "Mutation" is achieved by forking a new immutable copy.

I value simplicity over performance, so there are many linear searches that could be sped up with more complex indexing (e.g. pruning fullfilled requests). I consider making the system performant a secondary issue that should not be done until its shown to be a problem and I have a profiler in hand.

Physical Units

The elevator states, commands and step size are described in type safe physical units (distance, velocity, time), which makes simulations much more easily interpreted.

I used squants, though I would have preferred not to use doubles.

See larkworthy.model.ElevatorState and larkworthy.model.ElevatorCommand

A highlight is that the stopping tolerance is expressed as centermeters(5), and move velocity is Meters(4) / Seconds(1) which is a common top speed for typical elevators.

Randomized Property Tests

I have not bothered many unit tests. Usually they essential for development velocity and documentation. But due to short timeframe I wanted to ensure correctness over process. In my experience, correctness is easier to demonstrate using randomized property testing. I used ScalaCheck. It caught several non-transitive floating point mistakes and incorrect step size induced bugs.

The core trick of the correctness property is that we have an issue when the system starts repeating itself when trying to serve requests, thus making no progress. So we generate a random state with random requests, then check that eventually all the the requests are served. We can abort early with a failure if we see the same state twice.

Aborting on failure is useful as ScalaCheck can tell you which scenario failed and you can determine how to fix it (in contrast to the test spinning in an infinite loop).

See larkworthy.model.ElevatorSystemSpec

LOOK algorithm

I researched the scheduling problem before implementing it, and for embedded control you want a soft realtime control algorithm that runs in bounded time (i.e. don't invoke a Mixed Integer Programming solver).

For elevators specifically you don't necessarily want the optimal minimization of average wait time, but you want something that does not have long tail latencies. Everyone should be treated somewhat fairly.

A good solution for elevators is the LOOK algorithm that keeps the elevator moving in the same direction until it runs out of requests that could be fulfilled ahead of it. It then reverses direction. This has shown to have good tail latency performance while avoiding starvation.

See larkworthy.solver.LookSolver

Running it

For convenience, the spec test is run in a JUnit test, so

mvn test

will run a 1000 random setups and check all requests get fullfilled.

Note: I don't specs in unit tests normally, as unit testing should be very fast.