
Setup and launch kaki app with kivy and kivymd modules on Windows environment.

Primary LanguagePython

Kaki App on Windows 10

"I hate Windows!" - someone/sombody

Me too.. *sometimes...

This is a preview for Kaki app using kivy and kivymd modules.

Forked from tito/kaki

  • Tested in:
    • Windows 10 Home
    • Python 3.7.8

So far for basic application, this method is work.

But for far way more complex class, function, method and etc. Haven't tried yet.


Kaki App with kivy modules:

image info 01

Kaki App with md modules:

image info 01

Where to look?

  • Kaki app with kivy module:

    • To test it. Open kaki_kv_modules_win10.py and run it.

    • For Main Screen Manager and other screens. this file will look up to


  • Kaki app with md module:

    • To test it. Open kaki_md_modules_win10.py and run it.

    • For Main Screen Manager and other screens. this file will look up to


A places to look up

Personal note

Long before kaki been published. I'm a type of guy who using python way on kivy and kivy md with super() function. Usin this method with pylint is easy for lookin function inside tthe "class". *test it, test it till fail many times then stop.

But technology should make more easier. That's why you should use *.kv language and kaki/hot reload.

Also, if you guys already tested some performance I would like to know.

Here's a reference

Alright, good luck!

end of the note.