
Python utility for scheduling many jobs to run in sequence.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Python utility for scheduling many jobs to run in sequence.


  • redis
  • yaml

The framework has five parts.

  • A redis server through which everything communicates.
  • A library which is used by jobs to communicate with the launcher.
  • A yaml file which specifies which jobs to run, and what resources are available.
  • A launch.py script that points to that yaml file.
  • A progress.py which tells you how many jobs are left.



  • Add jobber.JobClient to your jobs.
  • Make a launch.yml file, to list your jobs and desired command.
  • Launch the redis server.
  • Launch the jobs with launch.py.
  • Check progress of the jobs with progress.py.


Have your jobs talk to the library by giving them the form:

from redis import Redis
from jobber import jobber

client = Redis()
job_client = jobber.JobClient(client=client)

# Do stuff


Then create a launch.yml file of the form:

command: 'THEANO_FLAGS="floatX=float32,device={resource},nvcc.fastmath=True" python -u {job} &'
root: '.'
  - /path/to/job1.py
  - /path/to/job2.py
  - /path/to/job3.py
  - gpu0
  - gpu1

Next launch the redis server using:


Then run the jobber launch script in the directory where the jobs are:

cd /
python /code/jobber/jobber/scripts/launch.py --path /path/to/launch.yml

Things should start running. To check on their progress you can run:

python /code/jobber/jobber/scripts/progress.py