
Tools to make a simple video labeling gui.

Primary LanguagePython

Lip movement labeling demo

This is a few python scripts used to make a simple video labeling GUI.


Loading lots of video clips will take a lot of memory and potentially crash the gui (i.e. web browser). To fix this we should add pagination. Currently in make_clips.py there is a variable MAX_CLIPS that caps the number of clips to save to 10.


This code relies on three python libraries. Two are easy to install:
jinja2 - Used to make the html page.

pip install jinja2

bottle - A simple web framework. I used it here to make html forms work.

pip install bottle

One is hard to install:
moviepy - Wraps ffmpeg, used by make_clips.py to save out video clips. This is the hardest part to install. You need ffmpeg from here installed with libmp3lame enabled. To install ffmpeg I followed the instructions here.

Then I had to link to an uninstalled ffmpeg, and install moviepy by hand. This is explained here.

Alternatively, you could ignore make_clips.py entirely and just use the ffmpeg cli directly. But I am not too familiar with it and when I tried that technique the videos would not play in my browser (chrome). Your mileage may vary.

Getting started

First make the clips by running make_clips.py. Currently it grabs subclips every 5 seconds. The duration of the subclips is 2 seconds. Modify this if you want it to grab subclips based on our other labels.

python make_clips.py /path/to/movie.mp4

This will output a whole bunch of video files in video-labeling-gui/static/ directory. The gui expects the files to be there. The video files will have names of the form video_%05d.mp4.

Then to start the gui run:

python app.py

And in your web browser go to http://localhost:8080/. You should set a webpage with the video subclips you just created. Under each video are checkboxes labeled Lip movement and Speech. To label, just watch each video, and click the appropriate checkboxes.

When you are done click Submit at the end of the webpage. This will create two log files:

  • lip_move.txt
  • speech.txt

Example lip_move.txt:


These are all the videos you labeled as having lip movement.