
WARNING: THIS GEM IS IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT. Please wait till the first alpha release if you unless like things changing on you by the day.

A ruby wrapper around the Korbit API.

client = KorbitAPI::Client.new access_token: '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'
user = client.user

# User Info

# Buy BTC
user.orders.buy(type: 'limit', price: 1000, coin_amount: 1)

# Cancel an order
user.orders.cancel(id: 5400)
# alternatively
open_orders = user.orders.open

Currently Supports:

  • user.info
  • user.wallet
  • user.coins.address.assign
  • user.coins.out
  • user.coins.out.cancel
  • user.coins.status
  • user.orders.open
  • user.orders.buy
  • user.orders.sell
  • user.orders.cancel