
Documentation, scripts, and more for getting Ubuntu servers up-and-running. Mostly focused on ruby, but adaptable to many things

Primary LanguageRuby

Server Bootstrap

Ever wanted to know the best way to set up an Ubuntu server for rails apps, or other fancy-pants web stuff? Me too!

I've spent a lot of time doing infrastructure work, setting up servers, solving problems, and all that crap, and figured it was time that I started writing some of this stuff down. Is any of this the "best" way to do stuff? Probably not, but it works pretty damn well for me, and it might for you as well.

So what is all this? Mostly documentation, but there are some nice scripts, templates, configs, and more to help you set up your (mostly rails) web servers. Remember, this is the way I do this, so there's a lot of things here that are meant to help me do what I do faster. The best way to figure all this stuff out is to start digging around.

I've sourced a lot of this from the internets, and I've done my best to give credit wherever appropriate, but I may have missed something, so please call me on it if I have so I can make things right.



I will not support you, I provide no warranty, use this stuff at your own risk, etc. I'm happy to collaborate and take suggestions, but you're totally on your own with everything here.


Fork, pull request, done. If you've got something cool to add, I'll probably take it.