
a place for buddies

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Buddy Pond ( Alpha )

a place for buddies


  • Cloud Desktop
  • Instant Buddy Messaging
  • Video and Audio Calls
  • Chat rooms ( we call them "Ponds" )
  • No followers or following counts, just Buddies
  • Open-Source: Built By Buddies
  • Developer-friendly REST API

Quick Start

Buddy Pond is free use at: https://buddypond.com

You can sign in immediately with a new unique username and passcode.

Downloading Buddy Pond

If you want to run your own Buddy Pond it's very simple. Literally just open the index.html file in your browser.


Download Buddy Pond as zip... https://github.com/Marak/buddypond/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

...or you can use git to clone Buddy Pond.

git clone  --depth 1 git@github.com:Marak/buddypond.git

Once you have downloaded a local Buddy Pond you can start it!

Starting Buddy Pond Locally

cd buddypond
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

This will start the Buddy Pond application on port 8000. Open http://localhost:8000 in your local browser and you can immediately start adding and messaging buddies!

Starting Buddy Pond with HTTPS / SSL

The http:// protocol should support all core features like: Buddy List, Buddy Messaging, and Ponds

The https:// protocol is required for more advanced features like Video Calls.

To start Buddy Pond over HTTPS / SSL, simply place the entire contents of this folder into any existing secure web server's public HTML directory and Buddy Pond will be accessible.

Deploying your Buddy Pond

The easiest way to deploy Buddy Pond is to publish this entire folder to any web hosting platform. Since Buddy Pond is just static HTML, it can be hosted almost anywhere. You'll want to make sure your host has HTTPS / SSL enabled.


Buddy Pond communicates via REST HTTP API calls to the Buddy Pond Server.

Interactive API Testing Page: https://buddypond.com/sdk/client.html

JavaScript buddypond.js SDK API client: ./sdk/buddypond.js

cURL REST API Examples

Sign Up or Get Auth Token for existing account

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/auth"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"buddyname":"Dave","buddypassword":"asd"}'

Return the qtokenid uuid which must be used for all subsequent calls to the API session.

Send Buddy Request

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/buddies/Marak/addbuddy"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"qtokenid":"00e7fa95-ff2c-40d6-a6c0-0bc4457d6196"}'

Send Message To Buddy

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/messages/buddy/Marak"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"qtokenid":"00e7fa95-ff2c-40d6-a6c0-0bc4457d6196", "text": "hello buddy!"}'

Get Messages

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/messages/getMessages"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"qtokenid":"00e7fa95-ff2c-40d6-a6c0-0bc4457d6196", "buddyname": "Marak,Dave", "pondname": "Lily"}'

Get Buddy List and Buddy Requests

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/buddies"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"qtokenid":"00e7fa95-ff2c-40d6-a6c0-0bc4457d6196"}'

Approve Buddy Request

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/buddies/Marak/approve"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"qtokenid":"00e7fa95-ff2c-40d6-a6c0-0bc4457d6196"}'

Deny Buddy Request

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/buddies/Marak/deny"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"qtokenid":"00e7fa95-ff2c-40d6-a6c0-0bc4457d6196"}'

Remove Buddy from Buddy List

curl -X POST "https://buddypond.com/api/v3/buddies/Marak/remove"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"qtokenid":"00e7fa95-ff2c-40d6-a6c0-0bc4457d6196"}'

Building custom Buddy Pond Desktop

Example Usage

  desktop.log('Buddy Pond Cloud Desktop Initialized');
  desktop.log('Now loading apps');
    .use('pond', { defer: true })
    .use('profile', { defer: true })
    .use('mirror', { defer: true })
    .use('interdimensionalcable', { defer: true })
    .use('mtv', { defer: true })
    .use('soundcloud', { defer: true })
    .use('videochat', { defer: true })
    .use('games', { defer: true })
    .use('minesweeper', { lazy: true })
    .use('solitaire', { lazy: true })
    .ready(function(err, apps){
      desktop.log('Ready:', 'Buddy Pond', 'v4.20.69')
      // start loop for updating desktop state

Building custom Buddy Pond App

desktop.use(appName, params) will load Buddy Pond Apps which have an App.load method.

App.load can be an async or sync function.

For Example:

desktop.boo.load = function (params, next) {
    // async `App.load` functions *must* continue with their callback
    next(null, true);
  }, 3000)

You can also write App.load as a sync style function

desktop.foo.load = function (params) {
  // sync `App.load` functions *must* return a value
  return true;

The best practice here is to use async App.load(params, bext) function signature such as: desktop.boo

sync style App.load(params) is used for Apps which have no associated external resources, HTML fragments, JS files, HTTP requests, etc. Again, you should probably use App.load(params, next) async style.

defer or lazy load of App

Buddy Pond Desktop supports both defer loading and lazy loading of App.

defer means load after Deskop is ready. lazy means load after user clicks on App icon.

Apps load in this order:

1. desktop.use(appName)

Sync style blocking loads Calling desktop.use(appName) with no params should be used only for mission-critical Apps.

The Desktop will not be ready until these Apps finish loading.

2. desktop.use(appName, { defer: true })

Async style non-blocking loads defer indicates the App wil load immediately after the Desktop is ready. defer param should be used for Apps that are non-critical, but frequently used.

The Desktop will load these Apps immediately after it's ready.

3. desktop.use(appName, { lazy: true })

Async style non-blocking loads lazy indicates the App will only load when the Buddy clicks on App icon. lazy param should be used for Apps that are non-critical or large ( such as Games )

The Desktop will only load this App when buddy double clicks App icon.

Note: If you choose both lazy and defer options, only lazy will be applied.

Buddy Pond Mobile Client

The mobile friendly client is in progress. We have stubs placed in ./mobile and will have a version of Buddy Pond working for iOS a and Andriod soon. Please reach out if you can help!

Buddy Pond Backend Server

So you've made it to the end of the ReadMe.md? Neat.

Buddy Pond consists of a backend server and front-end client.

In order to start your own private Buddy Pond ( not federated ) you can download the Buddy Pond Server at https://github.com/marak/buddypond-server

Once you have your own Buddy Server running you can modify ./sdk/buddypond.js to point to your server endpoint over HTTP.


Buddy Pond Copyright (C) 2022 Marak Squires See LICENSE file