A conways game of life simulator written in C using curses library. Using the curses library it is a Terminal based version of the game with many features. Including color support, reading and writing games to files, a lexicon and custom placement of cells.
I have only ever compiled this on linux but it might work in WSL on windows.
To get started
just clone repository and run
or Make Project
If on debain based distro and have apt:
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install gcc
To Make Run
make run
- Press p to switch between playing mode and edit mode
- Press q or esc to exit.
Playing Mode
- This is where the cells update
- + or =, will increase game speed
- - or _, will decrease game speed
Edit Mode
- This is where you can edit the board and make changes
- Resizes board and clears cells that are not visible.
- Must be in Edit Mode
- k or "up-arrow" to move up.
- l or "right-arrow" to move right.
- j or "down-arrow" to move down.
- h or "left-arrow" to move left.
Editing Board
- Must be in Edit Mode
- n, then type how many, to place n number of cells randomly.
- i to place down cell under cursor.
- x to remove cell under cursor.
- f fills the board
- c clears the board
Writing and Reading from File
- Must be in Edit Mode
- w to write to file.
- Type file name
- Type title
- Will overwrite any file of same name
- r to read from file.
- Type file name to read from (without file extension)
Default File Makeup
Acceptable File Type (without metadata)
Using Lexicon
- Go to life_lexicon/lexicon.txt
- Copy design you want.
- Create a file in the folder with cellular-odyssey called {file name}.conways
- Run cellular-odyssey
- Press r to read file and type in {file name}
Configuration Options
Editing config.h
- Change background color (assuming color support).
- Change title color.
- Change field background color.
- Change field color.
- Change cell look.
- Change exit message.
- Change game update speed.
- Change bell sound.
- Remember to remake
I built this project for fun.
I am using MIT license.
You are free to fork this project.
Contributions are welcome
- Create help menu