
ipset_lists fetches ip and network (black/white)lists and creates Linux ipset`s from it

Primary LanguageRuby



curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomlobato/ipset_lists/master/ipset_lists > ipset_lists
chmod 755 ipset_lists
mv ipset_lists /usr/local/sbin/ipset_lists


# ipset_lists country_br
Created ipset country_br (ipv4: 3028, ipv6: 5137)

# ipset_lists country_ru
Created ipset country_ru (ipv4: 7146, ipv6: 1555)

# ipset_lists aws
Created ipset aws (ipv4: 1110, ipv6: 408)

iptables examples:

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80,443,53 -m set --match-set country_br src -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set country_br src -j REJECT

Lists supported

  • Countries (ipset_lists country_br)
  • AWS (ipset_lists aws)

On the way...

  • CDNs (Cloudfare, MaxCDN, CloudFront...)
  • Tor exit nodes
  • all_good (sum of the good guys: pingdom, cdn`s...)
  • all_bad (sum of the evil incarnation on the earth)
  • bots
  • MaxMind GeoIP Anonymous Proxies
  • Firehol blocklist


  • Add more sources
  • Turn into a gem
  • Instrumentation: analize iptables performance (w and w/o ipset`s)