
tomloprodModal is a configurable pure javascript library to create responsive and minimalist modal windows with no dependencies.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

tomloprodModal Release License Build Status npm versionBower version

tomloprodModal is a simple and configurable javascript library to create responsive and minimalist modal windows with no dependencies.

DEMO: http://codepen.io/tomloprod/pen/kkYxWY

HTML & CSS Classes

  • tm-effect: If has this class shows fade effects on modal windows and scale effect on main container (if exist).
  • tm-draggable: Defines if the modal window can be dragged.
  • tm-emptyOnClose: When has this CSS class, the content of this element (input or tag) will be cleared.
  • tm-trigger: When an element has this CSS class, this element will be used for open the modal window indicated by his data-tm-modal attribute.

Example of modal window:

	tm-effect tm-draggable" 
	data-tm-bgcolor = "#3498db"
	data-tm-textcolor = "white"
	<div class="tm-wrapper">
		<div class="tm-title">
			<span class="tm-XButton tm-closeButton"></span>  
			<h3 class="tm-title-text">Login</h3> 
		<div class="tm-content">
			<form style="text-align:center;">
					<input class="tm-emptyOnClose" placeholder="User" required="" type="text">
					<input class="tm-emptyOnClose" placeholder="Password" required="" type="password">
					<input id="remember" name="remember" type="checkbox" value="1">
					<label for="remember">Remember me</label>
					<input value="Log in" type="submit">

<div id="myMainContainer"> Lorem ipsum... </div>


    closeOut: true,
    showMessages: true,
    bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
    textColor: "#333333"

General Config Parameters

  • idMainContainer: Used to display an scale animation when the modal window opens. (Dynamically add the tm-MainContainer class to the element)
  • draggable: When true, all the modal window with the CSS class tm-draggable can be dragged. @default true
  • bgColor: Defines modal background color. @default #5c7d98
  • overlayColor: Defines overlay color. @default rgba(0,0,0,0.8)
  • textColor: Defines text and X button color. @default #FFFFFF
  • closeOnOverlay: Enables or disables closing the modal window by clicking the overlay. @default true
  • showMessages: Enables or disables de log messages. @default false
  • removeOverlay: When true, remove the overlay if exist. @default false
  • closeOnEsc: Enables or disables pressing the escape key to close the currently open modal. @default true
  • borderRadius: Assign a border-radius to the modal windows. @example 1em @default 0

Individual Config Parameters 1: data attributes

  • data-tm-title: Will replace the title of the element with tm-title-text class.
  • data-tm-content: Will replace the content of the element with tm-content class.
  • data-tm-bgcolor: Will change the background color by the indicated value for the modal window that has this data attribute. @example #e74c3c
  • data-tm-textcolor: Will change the text color by the indicated value for the modal window that has this data attribute. @example #FFFFFF
  • data-tm-closetimer: Will close the modal window when the milliseconds pass. @example 1000

Example of modal window with individual data attributes:

    data-tm-title="tomloprodModal 1" 
    data-tm-bgcolor = "#e74c3c"
    data-tm-textcolor = "white"
    data-tm-content="My background color is red! :-) <p><b>And I will self-destruct in 3 seconds</b>" 
    class="tm-modal tm-effect tm-draggable" 
    <div class="tm-wrapper">
        <div class="tm-title">
            <span class="tm-XButton tm-closeButton"></span>  
            <h3 class="tm-title-text"> </h3> 
        <div class="tm-content"> </div>

<div id="myMainContainer"> Lorem ipsum... </div>

Individual Config Parameters 2: params

  • title: Will replace the title of the element with the value of title param.
  • content: Will replace the content of the elementwith the value of title param.
  • bgColor: Will change the background color by the indicated value for the indicated modal window @example #e74c3c
  • textColor: Will change the text color by the indicated value for the indicated modal window. @example #FFFFFF
  • closeTimer: Will close the modal window when the indicated milliseconds pass. @example 1000

Example of modal window with individual parameters:

TomloprodModal.openModal("testModal", {
    bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
    textColor: "#333333",
	title: "Hi!",
    content: "Nothing to say",
	closeTimer: 1000


//////////// Create new modal with indicated params (without HTML)
    bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
    textColor: "#333333",
	title: "Hi!",
    content: "Nothing to say",
	closeTimer: 1000

//////////// Stop operation of Tomloprod Modal.

//////////// Open the modal window with the indicated ID

//////////// Close the current modal window

//////////// Check if there are any open modal window
var isOpen = TomloprodModal.isOpen;

//////////// Gets the current modal window
var currentModalWindow = TomloprodModal.modal;


///////////// Opening
TomloprodModal.registerHandler("opened", function () {
    console.info("Opening " + TomloprodModal.modal.id);

///////////// Closing
TomloprodModal.registerHandler("closed", function () {
    console.info("Closing " + TomloprodModal.modal.id);

///////////// Stop dragging
TomloprodModal.registerHandler("stopDragging", function () {
    console.info("Coord X: " + TomloprodModal.modal.style.left + ' | Coord Y: ' + TomloprodModal.modal.style.top);

///////////// Register and remove handlers
TomloprodModal.registerHandler("opened", myOpenedHandler);

function myOpenedHandler(){
     console.info("Opening " + TomloprodModal.modal.id);

//////////// Deletes the listener of the indicated handler.
TomloprodModal.removeHandler('opened', myOpenedHandler);

/////////// Or, if the handler is omitted, deletes all: