
A mechanism to mark, identify and search release artifacts using Quality Milestones.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Release Registry

A mechanism to mark, identify and search release artifacts using Quality Milestones.



  1. Update example/config.yaml to reflect your environment. All options can be found in the configuration package.
  2. Generate localhost certificates for the gRPC gateway: make server-renew-cert. They will be placed in the example directory.


Follow the guide in the infra-auth-lib to create your OIDC configuration file.

Reference the path to this configuration file in the main configuration file under tenant.oidcConfigFile.

Local Docker run

After finishing the previous bootstrapping steps, run:

docker run -p 8443:8443 -v $(pwd)/example:/example quay.io/rhacs-eng/release-registry:$(make tag)

If the image does not exist, run make server-image first. Choose a free port on your system, if 8443 is already used. Use different paths to mount if your configuration files specify so - the command above works with the example configuration files and bootstrapping commands as specified.


If you want to deploy to GKE, create a new global IP:

gcloud compute addresses create --project <PROJECT> <NAME OF ADDRESS> --global --ip-version IPV4

The name of the address should be recorded in .Values.reservedAddressName.


Tests are available in the tests directory and the Go packages. They contain unit, integration and end-to-end tests.

  • Unit tests assert function output on individual package level.
  • Integration tests test interplay between components with mocked dependencies.
  • End-to-end tests emulate user behaviour and test the external interfaces of the service.


For the end-to-end tests, must obtain a test token or create your own for the robot user roxbot+release-registry-e2e@redhat.com. This token must be available in the environment variable RELREG_TEST_TOKEN when running end-to-end-tests.

The example assumes you run a local server with self-signed certificates. If running against dev or production infrastructure, remove the --insecure flag and change the location.

curl --insecure --location 'https://localhost:8443/v1/token-create' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <ENTER PASSWORD FROM CONFIG tenant.password HERE>' \
--data-raw '{
    "Name": "release-registry-e2e-gha",
    "Description": "CI token used for E2E tests on release-registry (GHA)",
    "Email": "roxbot+release-registry-e2e@redhat.com"