Shop ordering problem

Authors: Andrea Avignone, Tommaso Carluccio, Vincenzo Madaghiele

The purpose of this project is the creation of a mathematical model to describe the multi-period ordering planning of a generic store. The LP formulation is implemented in a Python environment, exploiting the PuLP library. The analysis on the case study is performed considering both an exact and a heuristic solution. After some instances generation, computational results are provided to offer a complete overview of the project and its functionalities.

Running the code

To run the code you need two components:

  1. Python 3.6
  2. CBC solver

CBC solver

In order to install CBC, for Linux users just run the following command:

apt-get install coinor-cbc

For other users, I suggest to follow the instructions on the CBC web page.

For Windows users, you need to add the path of the executable files of both solvers (e.g. CoinAll-1.60-win64-intel11.1/bin) to the PATH variable using this tutorial. Then Restart Windows. In order to check if the procedure works, you can run


from your terminal.

If you are not able to install CBC you can also use GLPK, you can find the instruction here.

Run the code:

Run the code by writing in the terminal
