This class library is meant to ease configuration and registration of services, database contexts and option files in .NET 5.0 projects.
Install package from nuget gallery using either dotnet CLI
dotnet add package ServiceLibrary.ConsoleApp
or the package manager
Install-Package ServiceLibrary.ConsoleApp
All the services will be registered the first time one service is invoked.
Since there's no native support for Dependency Injection in Console Application, I've provided the BaseController
class which contains a ServiceProvider property. The ServiceProvider returns a singleton of a ServiceProvider configured by the ServiceProviderConfigurator.
public class MyController : BaseController
private readonly IOtherService _service;
public MyController(IOtherService service = null)
_service = service ?? ServiceProvider.GetService<IOtherService>();
Same goes for Services - inheriting from BaseService
will make an instance of ServiceProvider available.
public class MyService : BaseService, IMyService
private readonly IOtherService _service;
public MyService(IOtherService service = null)
_service = service ?? ServiceProvider.GetService<IOtherService>();
Services registered with DI are usually interface's implementations. Starting froma a generic interface IService, the implementation would be
public interface Service : IService
To have this automatic registered by this class library, we just add one attribute
[Service(typeof(IService), ServiceLifetime.Scoped)]
public interface Service : IService
This is the equivalent of adding
services.AddScoped<IService, Service>();
in the startup.cs. By changing the values of the second parameter we can select the lifetime of the service (scoped, singleton, ...). If the Service does not implement any interface, we can simply leave first attribute null.
Databases can be easily configured adding the attribute
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
This is the equivalent of adding
services.AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlite("Data Source=<connection_string>"));
in the startup.cs.
The string parameter is the name of the json attribute in the appsettings.json file which holds the value for the connection string.
Options can be easily configured adding the attribute
public class MySettings
This is the equivalent of adding
// Add functionality to inject IOptions<T>
// Add our Config object so it can be injected
in the startup.cs.
The string parameter is the name of the json section in the appsettings.json file which we want to map to our model. Every attribute in the json object needs to have a correspondent property in the model.